Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Bible. Show all posts

Thursday, March 3, 2011

66 Love Letters by Dr. Larry Crabb is Incredible!

From God To You: 66 Love Letters (A Conversation With God That Invites You Into His Story) by Dr. Larry Crabb is one of the most unique books and profound books I have come across. I loved it! I am so happy I won this book in a giveaway because I found myself underlining something in just about every chapter. It is like a summary and commentary on the Bible but is written in such a way that held my attention and made me eager to read more. The writing is incredible because the whole book is written as a conversation between God and a man about each of the books of the Bible. So often, the man is asking the same questions I have about the different books. Through “God’s” part of the conversation, the author shows how all the books come together to point to Jesus and God’s plan to get people to His “big party (heaven).”

I took my time reading this one since I own it, and because there is so much to comprehend and chew on. It is very thought provoking and will be treasured as a great reference book in my library. I plan to re-read the chapters that relate to the book of the Bible I am currently reading. I recommend this to anyone who is interested in spiritual things or who has questions concerning things in the Bible.

Here's my teaser.
(Karen’s review)

About the Author:

Dr. Larry Crabb is a well-known psychologist, seminar speaker, Bible teacher, author, and founder/director of New Way Ministries ( He serves as Spiritual Director for the American Association of Christian Counselors.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? You can help Canine Lifeline (a dog rescue organization that saved our dog, Abby) by leaving a comment on any of our blogs in March. We will donate 50 cents per comment at the end of the month.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

"The Way Back To Mayberry—Lessons From A Simpler Time" by Joey Fann

The Way Back To Mayberry—Lessons From A Simpler Time by Joey Fann is a nostalgic trip back to the “Andy Griffith Show” from the 60s, but with lessons we can learn from 30 different episodes to apply to our life today.  The author, Joey Fann, uses specific episodes to illustrate a point and take it further to reflect on how God can be at work in similar situations in our lives today by sharing from his own experiences.  Each episode is connected to some scripture which the author has included to give each lesson a spiritual application.  Some churches throughout the country have used Finding The Way Back To Mayberry as material for informal Bible classes. 

For those unfamiliar with the show, Mayberry is a small, quiet town and Andy is the Sheriff.  The show was just about everyday life and experiences that happened in the small town and in the lives of the different characters.  Andy’s son, Opie, is often the one to learn the lessons, but also is the one who is first to “get” it. 

Here is a quote from one of my favorite episodes, “What’s Your Hurry?”:
Consider .. . consider how we live our lives today.  Everything is run, run, run.  We bolt our breakfast, we scan the headlines, we race to the office.  The full schedule and the split second:  these are our gauges of success.  We drive ourselves from morn to night.  We have forgotten the meaning of the word relaxation.  What has become of the old-fashioned ways, the simple pleasures of the past?
I don’t know about you, but this sure sounds a lot like our life.  The chapters are short so this could easily be used as a family devotional book.  This was a fun read for me because I used to watch the show.  Goober, the auto mechanic in the show, wrote the foreword.  I think anyone who enjoyed the "Andy Griffith Show" would like The Way Back To Mayberry—Lessons From A Simpler Time and those who haven’t seen the show would find this book wholesome and inspirational. 
(Karen's review)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

Sunday, January 2, 2011

"A Closer Look At The Evidence" by Richard & Tina Kleiss

(I did a video review of this because it was such a rare thing for Spunky Doodle to let me pet her for so long sitting next to me in the chair. You really have to look close to see her tucked sweetly under my left arm.)

 A Closer Look at the Evidence is a collection of facts that support the truth and accuracy of the the Bible from different branches of science.  "The primary purpose of this book is to help people understand what makes Christianity so trustworthy."  This book is formatted as a devotional with one page for each day covering one shred of evidence in support of a creator and the accuracy and authority of the Bible.  It has a verse and references the source of the information shared for that day.  There is an Index by topic and subject in the back for easy reference.

Subjects include: Anatomy, Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Biblical Accuracy, Biblical Uniqueness, Biology, Botany, Changed Nature, Chemistry, Common Sense, Comparing Religions, Creation Foundation, Earth's Ecology, Fossil Record, Genetics, Geology, Great Scientists, History, Language, Mathematics, Microbiology, Physics, Prophecy, Psychology, and Worldwide Flood.

I recommend this to anyone who is interested in science, evolution, or curious about God, creation or the Bible.
(Karen's review)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

A Bible Reading Challenge For You

 I just discovered this morning that Mom's Toolbox:  Tools For Real Moms Growing In Christ is starting a blogger Bible reading challenge to read the Bible through in 90 days.  It just started yesterday so hurry over there to sign up. 

I read the Holy Bible through once.  It's a wonderful book that can really make a huge difference in your life if you accept it as God's Holy Word and ask God to show you the truth and speak to your heart as you read it.  It is not a text book and should not be read as one.  It is inspired by God.  It is like no other book broken down into two main parts:  The Old Testament (the time before Jesus came to earth--the old covenant between God and man) and the New Testament (the time about Jesus life on earth and the acts of his disciples and his teachings--The New Covenant between God and man.)  The entire Bible is broken down into 66 books with chapter and verse references. 

There is something for everyone in the Bible.  Basic major groupings of the books by category include:

Books of the Law (aka Books of Moses), history, poetry, major prophets (major because they are longer), minor prophets (minor because they are shorter, not less important), gospels, church history, Letters by Paul, other letters, prophecy.
Gerard and I both love this book because it is life changing and thought provoking.  It is truly unique, like no other!  We highly recommend it!

Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?
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