I found on YouTube there is a whole lot of people who make videos about books. They discuss books, come up with fun book tags (in blogland they were called mimis), give tours of their bookshelves and all sorts of book-related videos. The community is called BookTube and I am now officially a Booktuber. If you are a booktuber, please leave a link to your channel or a specific one of your videos in the comments below so I can visit you!
In trying to find other Booktubers, I discovered a whole group on Twitter using #booktube and #booktubers. Not only that, but one of the booktubers told me there is a group on Goodreads and I can even post my channel link there. Of course, I'd love for you to visit my channel and leave a comment or even subscribe! You can find my channel on YouTube by putting in kzemek in the search box. Currently, I have a giveaway going on through April 22.
I am still in the process of finding the best place and setup for taping my videos. We do not get a lot of sunlight in Cleveland before I go to work and in the evenings so lighting is my biggest challenge in making my videos. I am also experimenting on getting the right distance from the camera and getting it at the right height but I'll get there pretty soon, I hope.

This has given me new inspiration for doing videos. I am currently working on doing a "Divergent" book tag and hope to get that taped and edited this weekend for LionsandTigersandbooksohmy.
This post is in response to Mama's Losin' It's Writer's Workshop prompt: Share something you learned in March. Why not go check out her prompts and link up too?
Happy Reading!