Showing posts with label Brandilyn Collins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Brandilyn Collins. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

"Dark Justice" by Brandilyn Collins Kept Both of Us Turning Pages

Dark Justice by Brandilyn Collins got my interest right away when Hannah and her mother with Dementia stop to help a man who was in an accident at the side of the road.  In that instant, their lives changed and they found themselves in danger.  Hannah soon became a "person of interest" in two murders but she didn't do it!  Where do you go when bad people are trying to kill you because you inadvertently came across some very important information that could prevent a terrorist attack and you don't trust the police? 

I liked the main characters in this book, Hannah and her mother and daughter.  Although the plot was pretty unbelievable, the way the three women stuck together and tried to protect each other was very realistic.  I liked that this book had suspense on just about every page without any swearing.  I recommend this one to anyone who enjoys suspense.  Brandilyn Collins is one of my favorite Christian fiction authors and this one is as good as her others I have read.
(Karen's review)

You can never go wrong with a Brandilyn Collins book, but I think Dark Justice is one of her better ones.  When a woman gets mixed up in a terrorist plot against the USA, the chase in on!  Not only is she at risk, but her 80-yr.-old mother suffering from Dementia and her daughter are also.  There is lots of action to be sure!  I enjoyed this book a lot!
(Gerard's review, 5+ stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

"Double Blind" by Brandilyn Collins

What If  Someone Could Plant Thoughts In Your Brain? 

I loved Double Blind by Brandilyn Collins! Lisa Newberry was going through a very rough patch of life so when a new procedure came out that could give her a new outlook on life, she took it. Is she okay now, or are the problems really going to start?

WOW, it doesn't get much better than this major "wow" factor in this book! It is hard to put it down so I finished it in just two days. Read and enjoy! I highly recommend it. You can't go wrong with Brandilyn Collins.
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

Double Blind by Brandilyn Collins is an interesting read with suspense and science fiction. Lisa is so depressed that she enters a trial to have brain surgery that will insert a chip into her brain that will get rid of her depression and help her be more self-confident. She was happy to have qualified and eager to get rid of her depression, but didn't realize that her real nightmare was about to begin. This will keep you turning pages to see what will happen next as she mends her relationship with her mother who helps her figure things out and God who she realizes did not abandon her. Risking her life, she tries to save someone she believes is going to be killed. This definitely is a thought-provoking book!
(Karen's review)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

"Deceit" by Brandilyn Collins

Deceit by Brandilyn Collins starts out good and gets better and better as it goes!  Baxter Jackson, a widower who lost both his wives in "accidents," is highly respected and a great guy in the community with some dark secrets.

 The story goes back and forth between the present and the past when his foster daughter lived with him and his wife. Melissa is a 15-yr.-old daughter of alcoholic parents who goes into foster care when her mom dies, leaving her all alone.  She feels like she hit the jackpot when she first sees her new home that looks like a mansion and the two nice people, the Jacksons, who are taking her in.  The church friends of the Jacksons are eager to meet her but she has very low self-esteem and doesn't think anyone would ever want to be her friend.  All the main characters in this book, Jackson and his wife, Linda, her friend Joanne, and Melissa are all deceitful, but Melissa is the only one of them who does not profess to be a Christian. 

I loved this book because of the suspense, the interesting story line of Joanne trying to get justice for her friend, Linda, who she believed was killed by her own husband, the elder in her church.  Melissa was the biggest surprise to me and actually was the biggest deceiver of all who I at first felt sorry for.  This book certainly doesn't show Christians in a positive light, but is thought-provoking and shows actions speak louder than words and non-believers do watch the way Christians live their lives.  This is a page turner I won't soon forget and had a hard time putting down.  See my teaser from this one.
(Karen's review)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

We are donating 50 cents for each legitimate comment we receive on all our blogs during March to the American Cancer Society.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

"Gone to Ground" by Brandilyn Collins (UPDATED)

Gone to Ground by Brandilyn Collins is the mystery of a serial killer in the small town of Amaryllis, Mississippi.  There were five women killed in three years, all unsolved and all called “closet killings” because they were killed with a knife to the neck in exactly the same way and found in their closet.  Cherrie Mae, Deena and Tully all think they know the killer of the sixth murder victim but all have different  people in mind.  Cherrie thinks it’s the mayor, Tully thinks it’s her husband and Deena thinks it’s her brother.  This makes for an interesting novel when they all share their information with each other to try to fit the pieces together and find the killer.

This is an interesting read with each lady alternately telling the story through their actions and thought processes, similar to The Help.  Although it is a murder mystery, it leaves out the gore and keeps the language clean.  I did not guess who the serial killer was until he was revealed at the end.  I think the title is dumb but don't let that keep you from reading this one--it's good!
(Karen's review)

Gerard read this too:
Gone to Ground by Brandilyn Collins is told by three women who each make a very good case as to why the man they think is the serial killer in their town.  This is a quick read I enjoyed very much with a great ending!

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

We are donating 50 cents for each legitimate comment we receive on all our blogs during March to the American Cancer Society.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

"Exposure" by Brandilyn Collins

Exposure by Brandilyn Collins is a fast-paced psychological thriller about Martin, a family man, who compromises his integrity to get money to pay for his daughter’s medical treatment and the long-lasting consequences for his wife, Lorraine, and daughter, Tammy.  I loved the courage of the mother in taking on the mob by herself to save her husband’s reputation and get revenge for his death.  The book jumps right into action from the start and held my attention throughout. 
At the same time, the reader is treated to another mystery involving a journalist who writes about fears, Kaycee, who is being stalked and an abduction.  Kaycee turns to God for help and faces her fears head-on.  I knew early on that there was some connection between the two story lines, but did not figure out what it was until the author revealed it.  This is a very good book!
One thing I found a bit annoying was that the chapters were very short and practically every other one jumped to the other story line.  At one point, I actually peeked ahead to the next chapter to find out what the wife found.  I liked how the author tied up the loose ends at the end in the Epiloge and didn’t leave the reader hanging. 
Exposure is part of Brandilyn Collins’ “Seatbelt Suspense” series.  If you like suspense and thrillers, I recommend this book.

Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

"Amber Morn" by Brandilyn Collins

I loved Amber Morn by Brandilyn Collins.  It is the first one I ever read by Brandilyn Collins but I will be reading more.  "Amber Morn" is filled with action and suspense brought about through a hostage situation in a small town at a café where older people do a blog together.  I finished reading this book in just two days.  It held my interest and I was anxious to keep on reading.  It is the last book in the Kanner Lake Series but I still enjoyed it even though I hadn't read the other three first.  It has Christian overtones through it but does not preach at all.  I liked the way it ended too.

Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

"Coral" Moon by Brandilyn Collins

Coral Moon by Brandilyn Collins is a murder mystery that involves evil spiritual forces and that was a hard one to figure out. It is certainly unusual and spooky. It deals with ghosts, curses, demons and seances. I didn't like the creepiness of this one but it kept my interest to the end.  This is the second book in the Kenner Lake series and the one I liked the least.
(Karen's review April 2009)

Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

"Crimson Eve" by Brandilyn Collins

I liked Crimson Eve by Brandilyn Collins because there was excitement and a fight for survival right from the start. It dealt with consequences of sin and showed how our actions can have an impact on others. Carla, the main character, is pursued by a hit man hired by someone in her past and goes on the run. She has kept a lot of secrets but the truth comes out eventually. Fantastic book that I think women would especially enjoy. This was hard to put down.  This is the third book in her Kenner Lake series that I highly recommend.

(Karen's Review April 2009)
Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

"Violet Dawn" by Brandilyn Collins

Violet Dawn by Brandilyn Collins is a double mystery! It has a murder mystery plot as well as a personal mystery plot. The author builds to a climax and then switches to another story line altogether and leaves the reader hanging. This pattern occurs throughout the book and kept me hanging on--kind of like a soap opera. It has both suspense and action that made me want to keep reading. I was hooked right from the start along with Leslie, the small town reporter looking for her big story. I recommend this to anyone who likes suspense or mysteries. 
(Karen's review April 2009)

Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?
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