I liked The Becoming (Dragon Heart Legacy Book 2) by Nora Roberts better than the first book in this series because it has a lot more action, the dog has a big role in it and Marco proves to be a very good friend--so much so that I like him in spite of his being gay. There is also some romance in this one and actual battles! I hated to put this one down because it has lots of very cool scenes including when Breen actually gets her own dragon! Riding on a dragon just sounds very cool! The only downside to this book for me was the few sex scenes and gay guys kissing that I could do without. Nevertheless, I look forward to reading the last book in this series and highly recommend it to anyone who wants to escape to another world for a while! (Karen's review, 5 stars)
The Becoming (Dragon Heart Legacy Book 2) by Nora Roberts finds Breen in the homeland training for the battle that is coming. She brought her friend, Marco, and her faithful dog, Bollocks. I thought this was even better than the first book of this series! It has lots more action and the storyline kept me turning pages quickly. I look forward to Book 3! This is a GREAT series!! I highly recommend it!!! (5++ stars)