I’m Out numbered!: One Mom’s Lessons in the Lively Art of Raising Boys by Laura Lee Groves is a good little handbook for moms (and dads) of boys. I got this because I teach 5th grade boys in Sunday School and thought it may be helpful. She kept the chapters short because she knows moms are very busy so it is a quick read. She addresses many issues including expectations, laying a foundation for reading, sibling rivalry, teaching respect, organizing, media, teaching responsibility, and communication. Also included is a special chapter for dads, for single moms, and one from the boys themselves! Laura Groves also includes an extensive list of recommended books that deal with related topics that she wrote about in this book.
I think this book would be helpful to any parent of boys especially. It is sprinkled with some humor and scripture which makes it a very enjoyable and interesting read. I liked it and am not even a parent but this book makes parenting sound like lots of fun! As I was reading, I kept thinking of different mothers I know who may benefit from reading this. Some general advice from I’m outnumbered! is to let boys be creative, don’t let them hurt each other, don’t play favorites, give them all a chance to be leaders and promote teamwork, treat them as individuals, love them no matter what they do or don’t do, teach them manners by challenging them to be honorable like knights.
I’m Outnumbered! would make a great gift for parents of boys. I highly recommend this book and can’t say enough good about it. Thanks to The 160 Acre Woods: A Mom's Manual For Boys for posting about it. If this book appeals to you, please check out these great blog posts that give advice on raising boys by Italian Mama Gone Crazy: What Would Mama Do? (Part Uno) and What Would Mama Do? (Part Due for mothers of little boys). Many of the things Laura Groves wrote about in this book reminded me of the advice I read in these blog posts.
Check out my teaser.
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