Legend by Marie Lu is teen fiction that takes place in a futuristic Los Angeles. It is told by a young boy named Day and a young woman named June. Day is an outlaw and is wanted by the Republic. June is a member of the Army of the Republic. They are on opposite sides, or are they? Legend is so good that the movie rights have already been sold. If you loved "Hunger Games" and "Divergent," you will love Legend too. I look forward to the second book in this series.
(Gerard's review)
Legend by Marie Lu is a futuristic teen romantic thriller about a fugitive 15-yr.-old, Day from the slums, who is passionate about protecting his family and helping people, even if it means going against the Republic. When June, a Republic agent and military prodigy from a wealthy family, thinks Day is responsible for killing her brother when trying to steal the cure for the plague to cure his youngest brother, she hunts Day down. This is a fun, adventurous novel that is a page turner.
Favorite quote from this book:
“I never did ask you about your street name. Why 'Day'?”I liked how the author alternated telling the story between Day and June. It kept my interest and was also easy to follow. Although somewhat predictable, I enjoyed it very much and was rooting for Day and June to become friends from the start. I recommend this to anyone who likes action and romance.
“Each day means a new twenty-four hours. Each day means everything's possible again. You live in the moment, you die in the moment, you take it all one day at a time.”
(Karen's review: My rating: 5 of 5 stars)
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