Sunday, February 17, 2013

"Ecclesiastes" written by King Solomon, Inspired by God

"A Wise Man Believes in God"
I just finished reading the book of Ecclesiastes from the International Children's Bible and enjoyed it very much!  Although it gets a bit depressing at times, it is a very interesting read.  It talks about how a lot of life is useless, like chasing the wind. Some common phrases that we hear today like "Ignorance is bliss," "A little bird told me," "Follow your heart," and "Where there's life, there's hope" seem to find their start in the book of Ecclesiastes.  For example, one I thought was funny is Eccl. 9:4 for the phrase "Where there's life, there's hope" which says:  But anyone still alive has hope.  Even a live dog is better than a dead lion.

The main point of the book is to enjoy your short life while here on earth but know that God will judge you for your actions.  After a detailed description of old age in chapter 11, it closes with the admonition to remember thy creator in the days of your youth.  The most important thing people can do is to honor God and obey his commands.  It is only twelve chapters, but very thought provoking and at sometimes funny. 
(Karen's review)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Friday, February 15, 2013

"Winterling" by Sarah Prineas

Loved it!
Winterling by Sarah Prineas is about a young girl who goes into a strange land to find out about her parents and who she really is. This one is full of adventure and has lots of action with a really good ending. Even though this is classed as juvenile fantasy, I loved it! Give it a shot!
(Gerard's review, 5+ stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

"Suspect" by Robert Crais - NYT BESTSELLER (updated)

The dog has a big role in this book!  Woof!  Woof!

UPDATED 2/14/13:
Suspect by Robert Crais got my attention right from page 1 and kept me turning pages all the way through.  This is so much more than just a mystery.  Maggie is a German Shepherd that got shot in Afghanistan and became a partner to Scott James who is a cop recently transferred to the K-9 unit after his partner was killed.  Both Maggie and Scott suffer from PTSD and are trying to recover to return to active duty.  I liked how Maggie developed a strong bond with Scott and how Scott really became attached to Maggie and trusted her.  Scott and Maggie work together to find out who the men were that killed his partner and shot him.   The story moved quickly and suspense built up as it went along.  I enjoyed this and would recommend it to anyone who likes dogs.
(Karen's review)

Suspect by Robert Crais is a novel about a cop and a dog. The cop lost his partner in a shootout and nine months later is still having nightmares. The killer is still out there too! The dog lost his master during the war in Afghanistan and was shot at.

The cop joins the K-9 unit at the meet up and becomes a pack of two with the dog to go after the bad guys. This book has lots of action so it goes fast. I especially liked the parts where the dog tells the story. It is currently No. 5 on the New York Times best sellers list! I recommend it--read and enjoy!
(Gerard's review, 5+ stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

"Mischief Master Class" by Dogs, 2 Cats and a Turtle

Inspirational,a 'Must Read" for dogs
Mischief Master Class by dogs, two cats and a turtle assisted by Annette Vivian is a really fun book about mischief real pets get into.  It has lots of great short stories and pictures!  I LOVED it!  (Gerard's review, 5+ stars)--UPDATED 2/13/13

Mischief Master Class by Dogs (two cats and a Turtle!)...assisted by Annette Vivian is a must read for all dogs!  It is a great reference book giving 20 rules that dogs (and any pet really) should know for getting away with mischief by becoming a "Master of Mischief."  It is a collaborative effort spearheaded by Snoopy (visit his blog by clicking the link), a dog blogger who is a bearded collie therapy dog but that doesn't mean he can't get into mischief.  In fact, he even hosts a "Monday Mischief" blog hop every week.  Various pets on the Internet contributed their mischief stories which Snoopy cleverly used as case studies to illustrate how the rules work.  By the way, our pets have rule #1 down pat:  "Look Cute."

It has lots of colored photos and URLs for videos to watch of the contributors too (with their blog URLs) as well as many of Snoopy himself, of course.  It is a quick, fun, light read that I enjoyed in spite of the overuse of a couple words:  "doh" and "Tee Hee."  My favorite mischief was the two dogs who ate the cookies that were hidden inside the oven and then left the empty tray inside and closed the door when they were done!  I must admit, I've never seen any other book quite like this one although "Dear Sparkle:  Cat-to-Cat advice" which is written by a cat for cats comes close.   

Mischief Master Class is available in paperback and Kindle versions on Amazon with 50% of the proceeds donated to Therapy Pet Support charities which we think is awesome! 

Good job, Snoopy and your buddies!
(Karen's review)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

"Revolution 19" by Gregg Rosenblum

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Robots have taken over in Revolution 19 by Gregg Rosenblum. When a family gets separated, the children enter the city to rescue their parents. I enjoyed this book very much! There is lots of action and I found myself cheering on the kids. It goes fast and there is almost certain to be a sequel which I will definitely want to read.
(Gerard's review, 5+ stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
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