I enjoyed seeing the relationships develop among the refugees and I liked the ending too. My favorite character was Florian. There were some very sad things happen in this book, but I didn't really identify closely enough to the characters to actually cry. It was interesting to read about an event I knew nothing about. The ending seemed very abrupt though and I was a bit confused.
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Salt to the Sea by Ruta Sepetys takes place at the end of World War II. Four young teens who are literally fighting for their lives converse. I cannot say enough good things about this book! As you read this, be aware that it is based on an actual event! I was totally invested in the lives of the four teens. What a great book to finish the month of March with!
(Gerard's review 3/30/16, 5+ stars)
Here is a video of an interview with Ruta Sepetys that convinced me to read this book:
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