Monday, August 30, 2010

Book Club: “The Secret Life Of CeeCee Wilkes” Chapters 21-35

I was happy to see CeeCee finally realize that Tim was just using her and is a liar and a creep.  I am surprised that Tim still is sending her money for Cory—assuming it is Tim.  She does seem to really love Cory and I understand her being so protective of her.  Jack seems like a nice guy and is very good with Cory, except when he sang that funny song about the raccoon which made her afraid of yet something else on her girl scout camping trip.  I thought that was funny!  I loved the fun Cory-Dory bag he brought over when he first got to meet Cory.  These were pretty happy times chapters.  

I had very protective parents too and sometimes, I feel as though my reluctance to travel and to even drive on Interstates is because my dad never liked them and always said he would never, ever go on a plane.  I grew up in a pretty sheltered environment so I do believe a lot of Cory's fears stem from Eve.  Still, I can't blame Eve for be so protective of her and hope Cory will understand that one day.    
Jack and CeeCee got married, he teaches drama at the university and CeeCee got her degree in Psychology and is a counselor.  They bought their own home and now have a child of their own.  Sadly, CeeCee (now Eve) lied about Cory being hers so didn’t want Jack going with her to her doctor appointments because she was afraid someone would say something about this being her first pregnancy.  At least she left out being honest in her wedding vows but I think it was extremely selfish of her to marry someone without letting him know what he’s getting into with all her secrets.    
I still think it is very wrong of her to deny Cory her biological father and not even tell her about him, especially when Cory started asking questions about her father. 
Now on to reading more.  See what others are saying about this at Book Beginnings and Book Shelves.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

"The Testament" by John Grisham

I found The Testament by John Grisham to be interesting because it dealt with a contested will. The man who died was very rich but wanted to make sure his ex-wives and children who weren't nice people didn't get their hands on it. He left it to a missionary in Brazil and the story was about finding her to give her the fortune.
 (Karen's review 10/01)

Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

Saturday, August 28, 2010

"The Brethren" by John Grisham

The Brethren by John Grisham is a well written, somewhat humorous and fascinating story about judges.  It started out very good but I didn't care of the homosexuality in it and I hated the ending.  It left a very bad taste in my mouth.  
(Karen's review 1/01)

Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

"You Can Do It" by Tony Dungy

You Can Do It by Tony Dungy is a children's book about his younger brother, Linden, who was worried about what he wanted to be when he grew up. It shares how Tony prayed for his brother and encouraged him.  It is a book that encourages children to dream and trust God for the future.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

"Spunky's Diary" by Janette Oke

I was looking for some light fun reading for my vacation so when I saw this child's book called Spunky's Diary by Janette Oke, I just had to get it because my cat is named Spunky and I like Janette Oke.  This book though is about a puppy named Spunky and is sort of cute because the puppy writes about his adventures at the playground, at a farm, at church, and running loose trying to find the school.  I especially liked the line describing church:  "It seemed like a great place, with lots of men that wanted to play chase."

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?
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