Friday, October 10, 2014

"Five Days Left" by Julie Lawson Timmer is one We Both Liked! (UPDATED)

Five Days Left by Julie Lawson Timmer contains two story lines:  the first one is about a woman named Mara who is battling severe health problems; the second one is about Scott, a teacher, who takes in a younger brother of a star pupil of his.  When the boy's mom wants her son back, Scott has a hard time letting go.  Although the Scott story line is good, the Mara story line is gripping!  The endings of both are stunning.  It doesn't get much better than this!  I found this book very hard to put down, finishing it in just two days.  LOVED IT!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

Karen's review 10/11/14, 5 stars:
I liked Five Days Left by Julie Lawson Timmer for the following reasons:
(1)  I learned about Huntington's disease, one I had never even heard of before;
(2)  Since I am a legal secretary, I could identify with the career aspect of Mara and her secretary;
(3)  The story line about Scott, a teacher, having temporary guardianship of Curtis was very interesting to me;
(4)  It brought out a lot of emotions for me:  sadness, anger, sympathy, empathy and
(5)  I wasn't sure how either story lines would end.

I felt very sad for Mara and her family and could easily understand why she planned to commit suicide.  I loved how Scott took in Curtis while his mom was in jail and was so upset at the thought of losing him.  It was kind of an interesting sideline how the author brought Mara and Scott together through an online forum that they both used for support.  This book shows how sometimes people need strangers who they can open up to as Mara did with her cab driver, Harry, a recovering alcoholic and with the online forum.

I was more interested in Scott's story line than Mara's because Mara's was just so sad.  In Scott's, I at least had hope!  I think this would make for a good book club read!  

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 9, 2014

"Wild Within" by Melissa Hart is Educational

Wild Within--How Rescuing Owls Inspired a Family by Melissa Hart is a non-fiction story.  One day, Melissa takes her dogs to a dog park and makes friends with a guy named Jonathan.  He works at a raptor rehab center and invites her to join him.  I loved this book because Melissa tells the story so well and I learned a lot about owls and raptors that I didn’t know before.  This book kept me interested and entertained.  Put it on your TBR list—you will be glad you did!  The ending is just fantastic!  
 (Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Tuesday Teasers

Both Gerard & Karen reading these:

Two from Five Days Left by Julie Lawson Timmer

The boy's mother, her face impassive in the studied manner of someone trying not to react, grabbed a package of paper towels from her cart and ripped them open as she walked toward Mara, her son in tow.  "Don't stare," the woman whispered. (Gerard's from page 10)
Mara had chosen the method long ago:  pills, Vodka and carbon monoxide.  A "garage cocktail," she called it.  (Karen's - first line of the book!) 

Two from (large print edition), of Heaven Sent Rain by Lauraine Snelling:

Taking a small boy's mother!  What kind of a God are You, anyway?  What happened to grace and mercy?  (Karen's from page 146)
 She slowed, trying to decide what to do.  I don't have time for this today.  (Gerard's from page 7)
Raptors were just raptors, building nests, mating and hunting and sounding their territorial calls with no hidden agenda.
Still, I couldn't help feeling that on this night, sweet with spring's promise, the screech owls were laughing at us.
From page 7 of Wild Within--How Rescuing Owls Inspired a Family by Melissa Hart

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should  Be Reading. Anyone can play along, so I thought  I  would play for fun! Just pick two sentences from the book you are reading.

Happy Reading!

Monday, October 6, 2014

"Heaven Sent Rain" by Lauraine Snelling is Great Contemporary Christian Fiction! (UPDATED)

Heaven Sent Rain by Lauraine Snelling is about Dinah Taylor, a single woman who is a biochemist and CEO of her own company with a quiet, orderly life until it gets turned upside down when she befriends a small boy, Jonah, and his dog, Mutt.  She finds herself really caring for the little kid and before she knows it, he becomes a big part of her life—bigger than she ever imagined.  Dinah is bitter against God for letting her little brother and her aunt die when she was a young girl.  When Jonah’s dog gets hurt, it’s Dinah he calls for help which is how she meets Dr. Garrett, the vet.  I loved how he would paint pictures of the pets and their owners to give to them.

I loved this book because I liked all the characters and I couldn’t help feeling sorry for Jonah and pulling for Dinah to trust God again.  I enjoyed the veterinarian and Dr. Garret became my favorite character who painted and had dogs, birds, and a cat for pets.  This book was recommended by Best Friends.  I loved it!  It is heartwarming contemporary Christian fiction that includes animals and a bit of romance with discussion questions included in the back for book club use. 
(Karen's review, 5 stars)
Gerard says:
This novel is about a young boy named Jonah and his dog, Mutt. They are befriended by a woman, Dinah.  When Mutt has a problem, Dinah takes the boy and his dog to the vet and meet Dr. Garret who helps all three of them!  This book has plenty of action that kept me turning pages.  The relationships in this novel carry it because they are done so well.  I highly recommend this one and encourage to you put it on your TBR list!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

"Don't Try To Find Me" by Holly Brown is a Page Turner

Don’t Try to Find Me by Holly Brown is about a young girl named Marley.  One day she leaves her mom a note that tells her she is going away and not to bother to look for her.  She has a plan but you will have to read the book to find out what it is.  I really did not like Marley or her mother much, but that did not stop me from enjoying this book.  There is pretty good action and it had me turning pages quickly—I was always glad to get back to it!  I think it would make a good Lifetime movie. (Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

 Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
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