Image source: Amazon |
Before reading this Mother
Teresa: A Life Inspired by Wyatt
North, I only had a general idea of the good this lady did. The book made the point that she saw all
human beings as her neighbor and sought to Love everybody as herself as Jesus
commanded us to do regardless of race, religion and boundaries. I learned a lot about her in the couple hours
it took me to read this book. To me, it
felt as though I was reading a report on her life. It met my expectations and inspired me to go
and help as many people as I can. This
book showed me she truly was a great person by serving others as Jesus said we
should do. (I read this one on Kindle, sorry no cat pictured with it.)
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Great review. This looks like one I would enjoy too. I do want to know more about her.