The Art of Hearing Heartbeats by Jan-Philipp Sendker is a very unusual love story that is told to Julia. She just graduated from law school and then her father just left. Her family lives in New York City. She looks for clues and decides to try to track him down in Burma when she finds an letter from someone named Mi Mi at an address in Burma. When she arrives, she meets an old man in a tea house who seems to know all about her and begins telling her the story of Tin Win, her father! His story is quite amazing! You will have to read this for yourself to find out about it.
This is a very slow moving, tender love story between a blind boy and a crippled girl. I liked Mi Mi and felt sorry for both Mi Mi and Tin Win. I almost quit on this about a third of the way in; but decided to finish and I'm glad I did.
(Karen's review, 3 stars)
Teaser from page 165: Waiting was so interwoven with the rhythm of her life that it almost disturbed her when anything happened right away. She was mystified by people who were always hurrying things along. A time of waiting offered moments, minutes, sometimes even hours of peace, of rest, during which, as a rule, she was alone with herself.
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