"This Cat had a fun adventure; good book."--Manny Boy |
Lost Cat--A True Story of Love, Desperation, and GPS Technology by Caroline Paul with illustrations by Wendy MacNaughton is a short tale of a cat who ran away from home for five weeks and returned. Caroline, owner of Tibby, the runaway cat, tries to figure out where it went using various methods, only to find that talking face-to-face with the neighbors worked best. This is filled with humor and is a light, fun read I recommend to any cat lover who will appreciate the cat-owner relationship. My favorite part was the animals communications class! The illustrations are cute too!
Here's a teaser from it:
Today I had brought two sides of myself to the class: My skeptical side counted the people in the room and added up the money the teacher was making. My earnest side stared at Tiby's photo and told him, "Tonight we're going to have a little chat."
(Karen's review)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Read it and thought it was pretty good. Here's a link to my review:
Thanks for sharing your link! I enjoyed reading your review.