Wednesday, August 28, 2019

"A Nearly Normal Family" by M. T. Edvardsson

A Nearly Normal Family by M. T. Edvardsson is set in Sweden. It tests a father’s faith, a mother’s ethics when Stella, their 18-yr.-old daughter is charged with the murder of a 32-yr.-old man on a playground. Stella and Amina are unlikely best friends since Kindergarten (or preschool). Stella is impulsive, seeks adventure, and is a skilled liar who feels her parents are too controlling. Her father, Adam, is a pastor and her mother, Ulrika, is a criminal defense attorney. Amina is a good student, plans for her future, and likes and understands Stella. They were both on the same handball team and were good players, but Stella quit because she got bored having to follow all the planned plays! This book asks the questions, “How well do you know your own children?” and “How far would you go to protect them?”

This book was pretty interesting although it moved along a bit slowly and doesn’t have much action. It touches on issues of ethics, rape, and family. The is presented in three parts: part 1 is from the father’s perspective, part 2 is from the daughter’s perspective (the most interesting), and part 3 is from the mother’s perspective.
(Karen’s review, 4 stars)

Teaser from page 13: With an eighteen-year-old daughter you have two options: either you drown under the constant worry or your refuse to think about all the risks she seems to love taking. It’s simply a question of self-preservation.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!

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