Thunder Dog by Michael Hingson and Susy Flory is a must read! It is a true story about Michael and his guide dog, Roselle. It tells how they managed to escape the morning the towers fell and also his life story of being blind. You get two stories in one book--both remarkable to say the least. I enjoyed it very much!
(Gerard's review)
Karen's review:
I was surprised when I read Thunder dog by Michael Hingson because most of the book is not about his escape from the World Trade Center
on September 11, 2001 which is what I expected. Instead, the book
focuses on the author’s life
showing how he didn’t let his blindness hold him back. He is an
ordinary person who happens to be blind. He was blind from birth but
still rode a bike, drove a car, flew a plane, graduated with a Master’s
degree in physics (with honors), held several high
pressure jobs! Yes, he and Roselle,
his guide dog, were among many people who walked down 1,463 stairs to
get out safely when the plane flew into the building, but the book
explains more about the special relationship between guide dogs and
their owners.
I learned a lot about what it’s like to be blind—it was fascinating to
me how he could “hear” inanimate objects in front of him kind of like
bats do based on the echo of sound waves.
Thunder dog is inspirational, enlightening and educational—a good read! Michael set up a foundation in memory of his beloved guide dog, Roselle which provides technology to blind children and adults to assist them in living normal lives. Check it out at
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