Life or Death by Michael Robotham is about Audie, a man to be released from prison soon, but the day before that happens he breaks out! Why? Thus begins a fantastic book! Audie was in prison for a robbery--the $7 million stolen is still not accounted for but everyone knows Audi must have it somewhere. The search for the money and Audie is on!
I LOVED this book because there is plenty of action that made this a page turner with a great ending too! It got my interest from the start.
(Gerard's review, 5 stars++)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Sunday, May 31, 2015
"Life or Death" by Michael Robotham if FANTASTIC!
Gerard's favorites,
page turner,
"Seeing Home--The Ed Lucas Story" by Ed and Christopher Lucas
Seeing Home--The Ed Lucas Story (A Blind Broadcaster's Story of Overcoming Life's Greatest Obstacles) by Ed and Christopher Lucas is non-fiction. Ed Lucas is the man--what a story he tells! At a young age, he loved baseball! Then a tragedy happened: he got hit in the face with a baseball and lost his sight. He decided if he could not play that he would become a broadcaster. How can a blind man broadcast a game? You will have to read the book to find out the answer. He had his dream and with help of a loving family, it came through. He even got married at home plate in Yankee stadium! Ed is a real hero to people with disabilities.
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Saturday, May 30, 2015
"God Never Blinks--50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours" by Regina Brett
God Never Blinks—50 Lessons for Life’s Little Detours by Regina Brett is a collection of Regina’s thoughts she wrote in her newspaper columns that were quite popular with readers. It has very short chapters so it is a quick little read but full of great advice from someone who felt neglected growing up, held various jobs, and is a Cancer survivor. It is an inspirational read I enjoyed. I liked that all 50 lessons are listed right in front in the Table of Contents.
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
thought provoking
Friday, May 29, 2015
"A Deadly Wandering" by Matt Richtel - Pulitzer Prize Winner
A Deadly Wandering--A Tale of Tragedy and Redemption in the Age of Attention by Matt Richtel tells the true story of Reggie Shaw. One morning while driving, he got into a car accident. One car with two men in it were killed. There was a third car involved also. When the accident was investigated, Reggie was blamed for causing it. the cops said he was texting while driving. Reggie does not remember it that way at all.
This is a great book! It covers the people that were affected by this accident, how Reggie dealt with it and how the authorities built their case against Reggie. This book isn't a "page turner," but it kept my interest.
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
This is a great book! It covers the people that were affected by this accident, how Reggie dealt with it and how the authorities built their case against Reggie. This book isn't a "page turner," but it kept my interest.
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
crime investigation,
Thursday, May 28, 2015
"Tidal" by Amanda Hocking (3rd book of Watersong Series)
"Tidal" by Amanda Hocking is more about Gemma, the mermaid who wants to end the curse and get back to being a normal human being. Her and her sister research mythology to see if they can figure out how to end the curse while she puts a spell on her boyfriend to make him hate her in order to protect him from the other sirens. Harper struggles with a big decision about going to college to become a doctor as planned or staying to try to help Gemma. Harper asks her boyfriend, Daniel, to protect Gemma since he's immune to the siren's song. Penn, the head siren, is attracted to Daniel and they strike up a deal.
I was really looking forward to getting through this book to end the series and then found out there's still one more to go--Elegy. This book really started to drag for me. The mythology stuff was very boring to me and I just found myself plowing through it. I don't think I'm going to bother with the final one in this series. If I had known this was going to be all about mythological curses, I would never have started the series.
(Karen's review, 2 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
I was really looking forward to getting through this book to end the series and then found out there's still one more to go--Elegy. This book really started to drag for me. The mythology stuff was very boring to me and I just found myself plowing through it. I don't think I'm going to bother with the final one in this series. If I had known this was going to be all about mythological curses, I would never have started the series.
(Karen's review, 2 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Tuesday, May 26, 2015
Teaser Tuesday--Four Today

I'll be right up, honey." She turned to Adam. "Tomorrow," she whispered to him.
From page 89 of The Stranger by Harlan Coben. (Click link for our review)
My brother is still fighting, and his screams slice right through me. I know then that I will hear them over and over again, echoing in every hour of every day until I am dead or I make it right.
From page 19 of An Ember in the Ashes by Sabaa Tahir. (Review up tomorrow.)
"I'm already looking for your replacement. It's only a matter of time before you're dead."
From page 40 of Tidal by Amanda Hocking (3rd book of the Watersong Series).
What's your next right step? Whatever it is, take it.From page 14 of God Never Blinks--50 Lessons for Life's Little Detours by Regina Brett.
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along, so I thought I would play for fun! Just pick two sentences from the book you are reading.
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Sunday, May 24, 2015
Some Military Books For You for Memorial Day!
I thought it would be nice to recommend some military books I enjoyed for Memorial Day. Only eight are mentioned in this video, but additional ones are listed below:
We both liked:
Nubs--A Mutt, a Marine, a Miracle by Major Brian Dennis (children's nonfiction picture book)
Tuesday Tucks Me In by Captain Luis Carlos Montalvan (children's nonfiction picture book)
War Horse by Michael Morpurgo (Children's book, sad but very good!)
Gerard liked but I did not read:
Until Tuesday by Captain Luis Carlos Montalvan about him and his service dog, Tuesday.
Horse Soldiers by Doug Stanton
Black Hearts by Jim Frederick
Into the Fire by Dakota Meyer (audio book)
Black Hawk Down by Mark Bowden (sorry no review but he LOVED IT. Read before we were putting his reviews online).
What military books have you read that you liked?
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
"The Stranger" by Harlan Coben is a Page Turner!
The Stranger by Harlan Coben is a unique concept for a thriller. A stranger comes up to you and tells you a secret about one of your loved ones that you did not know, and it's a bombshell. Not only that, but he has evidence that he gives you to back it up! That is the main story line in this book about Adam and his wife, Corinne. Adam confronts her and she takes off telling him she will be back in a few days. The other sub plots in the book are also really good with a surprise ending for me. Don't let this book get past you--it is very good! I LOVED IT!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
family secrets,
Gerard's favorites,
page turner,
Saturday, May 23, 2015
"The Giver" by Lois Lowry Makes One Grateful
I heard quite a bit about The Giver by Lois Lowry on Booktube so that’s why I decided to read it. It’s quite an interesting YA read that shows what can happen to a society where the government removes the freedom of making personal choices. It’s hard to imagine a world with no colors, music, emotions or love in it but that is the world Jonas lives in. Sameness is the highest value. He is perfectly okay with it until he gets some memories from the past that show what emotions feel like and experiences new things.
The themes in this book are the importance of love and humanity. It also shows the need of balancing security with freedom which is a current issue in America today. I enjoyed this book but was a bit stunned at how it ended--it seemed so abrupt. I would not want to live in the type of community Jonas lived in.
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
The themes in this book are the importance of love and humanity. It also shows the need of balancing security with freedom which is a current issue in America today. I enjoyed this book but was a bit stunned at how it ended--it seemed so abrupt. I would not want to live in the type of community Jonas lived in.
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
coming of age,
Friday, May 22, 2015
"The Infinite Sea" by Rick Yancey
The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey is the second book in The 5th Wave series. It continues with more of the Evan Walker mystery, adding Grace who grew up with Evan and Megan, a toddler with an implanted bomb. Cassie, Sammy, Zombie, Poundcake, Ringer, Dumbo and Teacup are back to hiding and trying to survive. Friction arises and they fight among themselves, Ringer goes to scout and Teacup follows her. They both get captured and then the story centers on Ringer and Razor.
This book drags along with everyone on the run. There’s some fighting and a great escape, but for the most part, I was bored with it and just wanted it to end, which it really didn’t because there is still one more book in the series. A lot of this made no sense to me and I hate how it jumps back and forth between characters narrating without letting me know who is talking at the beginning. I just got tired of reading this but will try to finish the series. This is mostly a depressing book.
(Karen's review, 3 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
This book drags along with everyone on the run. There’s some fighting and a great escape, but for the most part, I was bored with it and just wanted it to end, which it really didn’t because there is still one more book in the series. A lot of this made no sense to me and I hate how it jumps back and forth between characters narrating without letting me know who is talking at the beginning. I just got tired of reading this but will try to finish the series. This is mostly a depressing book.
(Karen's review, 3 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Thursday, May 21, 2015
"What Comes Next and How to Like It" by Abigail Thomas (Memoir)
What Comes Next and How to Like It by Abigail Thomas is a collection of outlooks by the author. Some I enjoyed, especially the ones about her dogs (she has a lot); some not so much. Most of the book is about her friend, Chuck. I liked this book somewhat. I would say it is worth reading to be sure.
(Gerard's review, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
(Gerard's review, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Wednesday, May 20, 2015
Enjoyed "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone by J. K. Rowling is a fun read! This is the first book of a long series that I finally decided to read because so many people liked it. This is about a boy named Harry Potter who is a wizard, but didn’t realize it. When both his parents died, he went to live with his aunt and uncle who were strictly ordinary humans. Harry gets accepted into Hogwarts when he is 10 years old, a private school for wizardry and witchcraft. This is why I put off reading this series for so long. but decided to read it for myself before condemning it. This is an enjoyable read dealing with bullying, adventure, friendship and courage with a surprise ending.
I still don’t think I would want my child reading it because it does glamorize the world of witchcraft. As a Christian, to be honest, I struggle with whether I should be reading this series. There is no doubt that it is entertaining and amusing. I actually laughed out loud at parts and like the funny names of the characters. When the professor became a cat at the beginning of the story, I was hooked! The school supply list cracked me up and I especially enjoyed the part when Harry was learning to fly on the broomstick. I thought the invisible cloak would be a cool thing to have and liked the idea of the owls as mail carriers! The sorting ceremony with the talking hat reminded me of the old cartoon, Tom Terrific, and the part in Divergent where the teens choose what faction they want. For me, the characters and all the amusing things is what kept me reading more so than the plot.
(Karen's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
I still don’t think I would want my child reading it because it does glamorize the world of witchcraft. As a Christian, to be honest, I struggle with whether I should be reading this series. There is no doubt that it is entertaining and amusing. I actually laughed out loud at parts and like the funny names of the characters. When the professor became a cat at the beginning of the story, I was hooked! The school supply list cracked me up and I especially enjoyed the part when Harry was learning to fly on the broomstick. I thought the invisible cloak would be a cool thing to have and liked the idea of the owls as mail carriers! The sorting ceremony with the talking hat reminded me of the old cartoon, Tom Terrific, and the part in Divergent where the teens choose what faction they want. For me, the characters and all the amusing things is what kept me reading more so than the plot.
(Karen's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
children's book,
Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Teaser Tuesday: Four Today

She recognizes her terror has less to do with Ted and more to do with her childhood. Anger instantly sees her regressing to a small child, cowering in fear, helpless and hopeless in the face of a fury that has nothing to do with her.
From page 52 of Saving Grace by Jane Green. (Click link for our review)
When Bill asked why she clipped these articles, she shrugged and turned her back on him, a gesture she'd inaugurated early in their marriage that was as unsuccessful now as it always had been. Rather than make him try harder, it made him give up.
From page 29 of The Children's Crusade by Ann Packer. (Click link for our review)
He couldn't kill that little boy. No one knows why, or how, but they're saying that when he couldn't kill Harry Potter, Voldemort's power somehow broke--and that's why he's gone.
From page 15 of Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling.
"We have to chance it, and you know we can't go in blind," I go on. "The odds are there're other survivors hiding in those caves and they may not be ready to throw out the welcome mat, especially if they've met any of Sullivan's Silencers."From page 4 of The Infinite Sea by Rick Yancey (Book 2 in The 5th Wave Series).
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along, so I thought I would play for fun! Just pick two sentences from the book you are reading.
Happy Reading!
Monday, May 18, 2015
"The Children's Crusade" by Ann Packer
The Children's Crusade by Ann Packer tells the story of Bill and Penny Blair who had four children, three boys and one girl. Penny wanted nothing to do with the kids, even moved out of the house into a shack. The father was a doctor and tried his best to be a good dad. Flash forward years later--their dad has passed away and they have to decide what to do with the house and the property.
I loved the dialogue among the kids, especially the oldest boy and the girl. This is well worth reading for sure.
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
I loved the dialogue among the kids, especially the oldest boy and the girl. This is well worth reading for sure.
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Sunday, May 17, 2015
Here's a Treat--A 6 WOW Book Video for You!
The books mentioned in this video all are either unbelievable, mind blowing, have twists and/or surprise endings that made me say "WOW--You've got to be kidding me!" Hope you enjoy watching and choose to read some. Full book reviews of them can also be found on this blog if you use the search box.
Books mentioned are:
A Child Called "It" by David Pelzer
In the Blood by Lisa Unger
Live to Tell by Lisa Gardner
Touch and Go by Lisa Gardner
Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard
The Manhattan Hunt Club by John Saul
These are from a variety of genres to encourage you to expand your reading interests.
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Saturday, May 16, 2015
"The 5th Wave" by Rick Yancey Lives Up To The Hype (UPDATED)
Sorry about your dog, Mr. Yancey |
I loved this book because it has plenty of action and the writing is so good! When the girl finds a young teen boy, Evan, this book really takes off! Can't wait for book two!
(Gerard's review 5++ stars)
I finally got around to reading The 5th Wave
by Rick Yancy and am glad I did. Although it was a bit confusing at first
and started out kind of slow for me, it did get good and I enjoyed it.
This is the first book I ever read where aliens actually come to earth.
The main character is Cassie who is 16 and determined to find her little
brother, Sammy to return his Teddy bear to him like she promised. They
got separated when some soldiers took him and other young children away to a
place where they would supposedly be safe. Although Cassie begged her dad
to let him stay, the dad let him go with the promise that he and Cassie would
come later. The dad left M16 rifle for Cassie and when she left to go
hide it, everyone else in the camp was shot, including her father. Cassie
felt very alone and is hunted by the silencers. On her way to find her
brother, she has a couple encounters with other people who she is not sure she
can trust. She develops a relationship with Evan and thinks about a boy
named Ben from high school when life was normal.
Then the story flips to let the reader in on what the boy is
going through at camp Haven and that is the more intriguing part of the book in
my opinion. That is also when the reader gets to meet Ben, the guy Cassie
had a crush on, and Ringer, the girl I liked best in this book. It has
some interesting and tense scenes along the way, adventure and suspense so I
liked it once I got into it. I would classify this as YA science
(Karen's review 5/14/15, 4 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
coming of age,
science fiction,
LOVED "Saving Grace" by Jane Green
Saving Grace by Jane Green is about the good life of Grace Chapman. She is married to Ted, a well-known, rich author. Ted's assistant is a woman named Ellen who also runs the household to allow Grace to do as she pleases. However, when Ellen leaves, Ted goes into a panic and tells Grace that she is nothing like Ellen. Can things get back to normal? You'll have to read the book.
WOW! The writing in this book is very good. I loved all the characters because they were true to life. It does not get much better than this!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
WOW! The writing in this book is very good. I loved all the characters because they were true to life. It does not get much better than this!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
contemporary fiction,
Gerard's favorites,
Friday, May 15, 2015
"Lullaby" by Amanda Hocking
Lullaby by Amanda Hocking is the second book in the Watersong series. This just continues the fun fantasy series about Gemma, a teen girl who becomes a mermaid. In this book she finds out she made a big mistake and seeks to find a way to get back to normal and protect those she loves.
Overall, this is an entertaining read with interesting action near the end. This book left me with some loose ends and questions that I hope get answered in the next book, Tidal. I look forward to reading it to find out. The first book was a very fun read, Wake.
(Karen's review, 3 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
coming of age,
Thursday, May 14, 2015
"The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B" by Teresa Toten
In The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B by Teresa Toten, Adam Spencer Ross, who has obsessive-compulsive disorder, has problems. His parents are divorced, his mom has a stalker, his brother is a pain and now for the first time he has a major crush on a girl.
This book had me from page 1 because Adam is a great character and so is his love interest. It is so fun to see their relationship grow. I also enjoyed the other story lines and those characters too. I LOVED this book--my best of this month so far! I highly recommend it!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
This book had me from page 1 because Adam is a great character and so is his love interest. It is so fun to see their relationship grow. I also enjoyed the other story lines and those characters too. I LOVED this book--my best of this month so far! I highly recommend it!
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
"All the Rage" by Courtney Summers - Better Than Expected!
All the Rage by Courtney Summers is told by Romy, a young teen girl who was attacked by a boy who was well known in her town and well liked so no one believed her. She goes to a party and has no recollection of anything the next day, but a close friend of hers is missing. Does she know something about this? If so, will anyone believe her?
I liked this better than I thought I would. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised too!
(Gerard's review, 5+ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
I liked this better than I thought I would. Give it a try, you might be pleasantly surprised too!
(Gerard's review, 5+ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
contemporary fiction,
high school,
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
Teaser Tuesday: Five Today!

When I pull my hands out, they're covered in blood. For a second I think it's mine. But it's not mine.
From page 2 of Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight. (Click link for our review)
Last night I spent some time sharpening the broken plastic fork. I only had my fingernails and teeth to work with, but I think I did a pretty good job.
From page 13 of The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks. (Click link for our review)
For her he would master his most troublesome rituals and offer up what was left of his sanity.From page 2 of The Unlikely Hero of Room 13B by Teresa Toten.
"Greetings, Robyn, and welcome!" said Dr. Chuck Mutinda, nodding first at her and then into a raggedy file folder.
"This is just how my life goes," Alex said. "I have enough trouble dating girls, and now I have to figure out how to date a mermaid."
From page 180 of Lullaby by Amanda Hocking.
I thought that was really smart. Get all of us in one place so the aliens didn't have to waste a lot of ammunition.From page 31 of The 5th Wave by Rick Yancey.
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along, so I thought I would play for fun! Just pick two sentences from the book you are reading.
Happy Reading!
Sunday, May 10, 2015
12 Books About Mothers for Mother's Day!
For mother's Day I thought it would be nice to do a video recommending six books about mothers and daughters and six books about mothers and sons, so here you go:
Let me know if you have any good ones to recommend to me on this topic in the comments below. If you are interested in finding books on any topic, I suggest taking a look at all our tags at the bottom of our webpage here and click on whatever topic you would like to see books for.
Happy Mother's Day and happy reading!
Let me know if you have any good ones to recommend to me on this topic in the comments below. If you are interested in finding books on any topic, I suggest taking a look at all our tags at the bottom of our webpage here and click on whatever topic you would like to see books for.
Happy Mother's Day and happy reading!
Saturday, May 9, 2015
"The Bunker Diary" by Kevin Brooks
The Bunker Diary by Kevin Brooks is about six people who are taken and put in an underground bunker. Why? They do not know. It is told by a young boy who was the first to be put in the bunker. I found it interesting how they all got along and as time went by, their reactions to their circumstances. This is a fast YA read that I enjoyed.
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Friday, May 8, 2015
"The Music Box" by T. Davis Bunn
The Music Box by T. Davis Bunn is about a widower (Carlson) and his 8th grade daughter (Melissa) who move to start a new life in a small hill country town. Angie, a childless, lonely widow, who is the girl’s eighth grade school teacher, is still grieving the loss of her husband. This is Christian fiction, so I give you one guess as to what happens. Both Carlson and Angie are guarded and slowly learn to open up with others and share themselves.
This is a short book about grieving and moving on, with the hope that life will get better. It is predictable from the start and I did not care for it. The only reason I read it was because it was my husband’s book so wanted to read it before giving it away. We will not miss it! (2 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Christian fiction,
Thursday, May 7, 2015
"Ready Player One" by Ernest Cline is GREAT--We Both Liked It!
Ready Player One by Ernest Cline is an amazing YA book set in 2044. The world has so many problems that people spend most of their time online in a virtual world called OASIS. The main character is a high school boy named Wade who participates in a contest in OASIS that its originator made up before he died. The winner gets his wealth because he has no family to leave it to. Wade lives with his aunt who doesn’t really care about him in her trailer but has a secret hiding place in an abandoned van buried under a heap of cars not too far away. He lives like a hermit, attending school online and his only friend is in the virtual world. The story is told by him. The book would have been good with just the online contest, but when a huge corporation plays too in the hopes of gaining control of the OASIS to use for their own profit, the stakes go up and so does the suspense. Wade and his online friends become targets!
I am late to the party on this one, but so glad I finally read it! I was totally immersed in this amazing book! It flips back and forth between the virtual world and the adventure of trying to win the contest by being the first to find the hidden egg and the real world where Wade goes on a real life adventure in order to win the game. There is the mystery surrounding the clues on the hunt as well as the mystery of who the people are behind the avatars. It was great to see how Wade changed throughout the book and became a caring person with real friends! This is a fun read and I can only imagine how much fun the author had writing it! The themes in this book are honor, friendship, working together, and making the world a better place. Anyone who appreciates video games and 1980 pop culture would enjoy this book too as it is masterfully woven into the plot. This is a page turner for me—LOVED IT!
(Karen's review, 5 stars) I even did a video review of this one!
Gerard's review posted 8/30/2011, 5 stars:
WOW! Ready Player One is about a young man named Wade who spends all of his time in OASIS, a site on a computer that lets you escape from your real life. He wants to win the ultimate prize, a massive fortune and power to the person who can find the egg by solving the puzzles along the way. To do this, he will have to leave OASIS for a time and enter the real world. Can he do it? Can he win the ultimate prize? I liked this book a lot—not one of my favorites though. Don't know why it was classed as a “sizzler” at the library, but it was. I think it would appeal more to guys than women.
Joining Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop this week for the book review topic.
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
I am late to the party on this one, but so glad I finally read it! I was totally immersed in this amazing book! It flips back and forth between the virtual world and the adventure of trying to win the contest by being the first to find the hidden egg and the real world where Wade goes on a real life adventure in order to win the game. There is the mystery surrounding the clues on the hunt as well as the mystery of who the people are behind the avatars. It was great to see how Wade changed throughout the book and became a caring person with real friends! This is a fun read and I can only imagine how much fun the author had writing it! The themes in this book are honor, friendship, working together, and making the world a better place. Anyone who appreciates video games and 1980 pop culture would enjoy this book too as it is masterfully woven into the plot. This is a page turner for me—LOVED IT!
(Karen's review, 5 stars) I even did a video review of this one!
Gerard's review posted 8/30/2011, 5 stars:
WOW! Ready Player One is about a young man named Wade who spends all of his time in OASIS, a site on a computer that lets you escape from your real life. He wants to win the ultimate prize, a massive fortune and power to the person who can find the egg by solving the puzzles along the way. To do this, he will have to leave OASIS for a time and enter the real world. Can he do it? Can he win the ultimate prize? I liked this book a lot—not one of my favorites though. Don't know why it was classed as a “sizzler” at the library, but it was. I think it would appeal more to guys than women.
Joining Mama Kat's Writer's Workshop this week for the book review topic.
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Karen's favorites,
page turner,
"Where They Found Her" by Kimberly McCreight
Where They Found Her by Kimberly McCreight is like a roller coaster ride! All the characters were very believable. A body of a newborn is found near a college in a wooded area. Molly is called by her boss to report on this for the town's local paper. She is trying to get over the loss of her own baby. It is told by women in this small town who have events in their lives that are better kept hidden but do connect them.
I Loved this book! I also liked Constructing Amelia by this author. She is two for two.
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
I Loved this book! I also liked Constructing Amelia by this author. She is two for two.
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Gerard's favorites,
page turner,
Wednesday, May 6, 2015
"Red Rising" by Pierce Brown
Red Rising by Pierce Brown is a YA book about life on Mars but with a dystopian flavor. The main character, Darrow, works in the mines and is a Red. He is pretty happy with his life, has a wife and is close to his family. His father was hung though and when he realizes the Reds are really slaves for the Golds, he becomes bitter. His wife shows him a better place and sings a song that seals her death. Darrow, is "chosen" to infiltrate the Golds by having surgery to make him appear more like them and make him stronger too so he can change things and free the Reds.
I read it because it's my husband said it's kind of a combination between The Hunger Games and Ender's Game which I loved. The first half of the book seemed to drag along for me and the second half is all the test games for determining who will get positions of power among the Golds. I felt the character development was shallow but liked the action part of this book. To me this book seemed like a takeoff of The Hunger Games but it fell way short in my opinion. I think guys would like this one more than women. This is the first of a series, but I won't be reading the rest of these.
(Karen's review 4/4/15, 3 stars)
Red Rising by Pierce Brown is a science fiction book that centers on a young man named Darrow on Mars. He is a Red and works for the greater good. His wife finds out that the Reds are really slaves to the Gold. When Darrow's wife is killed, he vows revenge on the Gold by becoming a Gold himself to bring them down.
Entertainment Weekly gave this book an A+ and they are spot on! Think Enders Game and Hunger Games combined. This is book one of three and I highly recommend it!
(Gerard's review posted 2/14/14, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
I read it because it's my husband said it's kind of a combination between The Hunger Games and Ender's Game which I loved. The first half of the book seemed to drag along for me and the second half is all the test games for determining who will get positions of power among the Golds. I felt the character development was shallow but liked the action part of this book. To me this book seemed like a takeoff of The Hunger Games but it fell way short in my opinion. I think guys would like this one more than women. This is the first of a series, but I won't be reading the rest of these.
(Karen's review 4/4/15, 3 stars)
Red Rising by Pierce Brown is a science fiction book that centers on a young man named Darrow on Mars. He is a Red and works for the greater good. His wife finds out that the Reds are really slaves to the Gold. When Darrow's wife is killed, he vows revenge on the Gold by becoming a Gold himself to bring them down.
Entertainment Weekly gave this book an A+ and they are spot on! Think Enders Game and Hunger Games combined. This is book one of three and I highly recommend it!
(Gerard's review posted 2/14/14, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Gerard's favorites,
science fiction,
Tuesday, May 5, 2015
Teaser Tuesdays--Four Today

The snoring husband she no longer trusts, the house that fills her with foreboding, another night to pace and ramble as the sun claws its way up from the ground, lighting the sky with a bright, unwelcome day--these things are bad enough without Celia strapped across the backs of Dana's eyelids, dying on a bamboo floor, her blood like flames licking out from the splayed, crimped ends of her hair.
From page 29 of The Pocket Wife by Susan Crawford. (Click link for our review)
But a video? It wouldn't matter whom she was screwing--a video of her writhing naked on the Internet would get her fired.
From page 9 of Creep by Jennifer Hillier.
Later, I came to hate him again because I discovered he was weak: my father died for something, while Uncle Narol lived and drank and squandered his life.
From page 49 of Red Rising by Pierce Brown.
The OASIS software took care of that, ensuring that students remained quiet and in their seats. All the teachers had to do was teach.From page 47 of Ready Player One by Ernest Cline.
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of A Daily Rhythm. Anyone can play along, so I thought I would play for fun! Just pick two sentences from the book you are reading.
Happy Reading!
Sunday, May 3, 2015
"Creep" by Jennifer Hillier--A Wow Book by a First-Time Author
Creep by Jennifer Hillier is about Dr. Sheila Tao, a professor of psychology. She has an affair with a graduate student, but breaks it off when she meets an older man who she decides to marry. The problem is that the grad student does not want their affair to end.
This was very good, a real page-turner with a twist at the end I did not see coming. This is the author's first book too! I highly recommend it.
I even made a video reviewing this book for my wife's channel for her Booktube group:
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
This was very good, a real page-turner with a twist at the end I did not see coming. This is the author's first book too! I highly recommend it.
I even made a video reviewing this book for my wife's channel for her Booktube group:
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
Friday, May 1, 2015
"Ellie's Story" by W. Bruce Cameron
Ellie’s Story by W. Bruce Cameron is told very well
by a dog named Ellie. She talks about the people she comes in contact
with and the work that she has to do. What is her work? You will
have to read the book to find out! This is a very short, enjoyable read
under 200 pages. The pictures are nice and the ending is the best and most
exciting part of the book. If you love dogs, you will enjoy this book for
both kids and adults.
(Gerard's review, 4.5 stars)
Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!
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