From page 121 of The Education of Will by Patricia B. McConnell.As I released Will from his stay and he climbed into the car, I knew that I could never send him away. I sat beside him while he licked the tears off my cheeks, and I asserted, I will, I will, I will Willie, I will move heaven and earth to try to help us both.
It wasn't the most sensible plan. It had a few wrinkles that needed to be ironed out.From page 156 of A Simple Favor by Darcey Bell.
He had his knife. the beast was only an animal--no match for her betrothed.From page 7 of The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins.
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by The Purple Booker. Anyone can play along, so I thought I would play for fun! Just pick two sentences from the book you are reading. Happy Reading!