Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday Teasers: A Love Story and a Memoir

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should  Be Reading. Anyone can play along, so I thought  I  would play for fun! Just do the following
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page (well, we cheat and choose specific ones)
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on  that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away!   You don’t  want  to  ruin the  book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can  add the book to their TBR  Lists  if they  like your teaser.   

Some of the people were so worked up that they tried to push and punch us. Others got up into our faces to yell, and some even spat at us.
From page 7 of Banished--Surviving My Years in the Westboro Baptist Church by Lauren Drain with Lisa Pulitzer. (a memoir)

"Because Elle picked me to watch out for her, and you are seriously considering keeping her on life support, and that's not what Elle wanted. It's just wrong to keep her in this state, as an incubator for something that isn't even a baby yet."
From page 48 of The Promise of Stardust by Priscille Sibley.

Happy Reading!

Friday, March 22, 2013

"Did You Miss Me? by Karen Rose (UPDATED)

A Real Page Turner For Sure!
Did You Miss Me by Karen Rose is a fast-paced, complex thriller about revenge, betrayal, dysfunctional families and a very brave prosecuting attorney, Daphne (a cancer survivor), who is a target and the romance that develops between her and the Federal agent (Joseph) who tries to find her kidnapped son.  This novel has a lot of things going on:  abduction, murder, manipulation, crime investigation, colorful characters and secrets. 
I loved the part Daphne’s dog played in this novel.  Divorces, remarriages and name changes really make it challenging for the reader to keep everyone straight and make all the connections.  Parts reminded me of the writing style of Brandilyn Collins where the author leaves you hanging and then jumps to another scene with other characters.  The author creates lots of suspense without a lot of gore.  I’d recommend this book to anyone who likes thrillers with some mystery.

(Karen's review added 3/22/13)

Did You Miss Me by Karen Rose is the story of a man who has a grudge against a woman prosecutor in Baltimore.  For me the best part of this book was following the man who had it all planned out how he was going to get his revenge against her--just excellent with a great ending and lots of suspense.  Put this one on your TBR list and when you read it, you will be happy you did. 
(Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

"The Road Out--A Teacher's Odyssey in Poor America"

The Road Out--A Teacher's Odyssey in Poor America by Deborah Hicks is a true story about a young teacher who teaches seven young girls in a poor neighborhood. The parts of the book I enjoyed were:

(1) When the teacher was trying to get through to the girls, and having a hard time;

(2) How each girl had her own personality and outlook on life; and

(3) The last few chapters that let you know how the girls are doling.
Not a must read, but is a good read. I think any teacher would really enjoy, but even if you aren't a teacher, you may like it. I did!
(Gerard's review, 5 stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

"The Dinner" by Herman Koch

The Dinner by Herman Koch is about two married couples who get together to discuss a horrible crime their sons committed. In my opinion, it starts slow but once it focused on the main story, it took off. I loved the ending and thought it was a good read, not great so give it four stars.
(Gerard's review, 4 stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. Happy Reading!

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Tuesday Teasers: 3 For You--Contemporary Fiction

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should  Be Reading. Anyone can play along, so I thought  I  would play for fun! Just do the following
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page (well, we cheat and choose specific ones)
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on  that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away!   You don’t  want  to  ruin the  book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can  add the book to their TBR  Lists  if they  like your teaser.   

Come on, Elle, I thought. React. Prove my gut reaction wrong.
From page 4 of The Promise of Stardust by Priscille Sibley. (My review posted on Saturday, but this is so good, I just had to do a teaser from it!)

What would this evening have been like if, no more than an hour ago, I had simply waited downstairs until it was time to go, rather than climb the stairs to Michel's room?
What would the rest of our lives have been like?
From page 11 of The Dinner by Herman Koch.

Gone. Taken. Just like me. I can't do this again.
From page 98 of Did You Miss Me by Karen Rose.  (Click the link for Gerard's review of this one.)

Happy Reading!
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