The Good Sister by Wendy Corsi Staub certainly kept my interest. This is a good story about revenge which incorporates the dangers of social media. The murderer is so clever and so mean! Although I figured out who it was, the twist at the end was shocking! Carly is the older sister who tries so hard to do what is right and be nice but finds herself being bullied at her Catholic school. Her mother is worried about her when Carly’s ex-best friend commits suicide and then another girl from her school also commits suicide. This is a creepy mystery I won’t soon forget. I look forward to reading more books by this author! We highly recommend this one if you like a good murder mystery.
(Karen's review posted 12/6/13)
Good Sister by Wendy Corsi Staub is about a young girl who goes to a private girls school and is bullied. She finds a friend on the Internet and that is when this book really takes off. I liked the plot but you will have to read it all the way to the end to figure out what's what! I enjoyed it very much--kept me turning pages.
(Gerard's review, 5+ stars)
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