The Accomplice by John Grisham is a contemporary teen fiction story of Tony, a 16-yr.-old and his brother, Woody, a 13-yr.-old who are charged with being accomplices to armed robbery! Both are actually innocent, which the reader knows from the start. They made a poor decision one night and were arrested and put in jail. This story gives some insight into the youth court system and also shows how things are not always fair. Theodore Boone, who aspires to be a judge or lawyer one day, helps his friend, Woody, and is instrumental in helping raise bail for him.
This is geared to teens and may help them see the importance of school and making good decisions. I enjoyed it because Theo Boone is a good kid and a main character. It’s a quick, easy read.
(Karen's review, 4 stars)
Teaser from page 25: From the back seat, Woody heard the words he would never forget. A cop said loudly, “Stop right there, kid.”
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