Wednesday, March 22, 2023

"The Winter of the Witch" by Katherine Arden (Book 3 of Winternight Trilogy)

The Winter of the Witch
by Katherine Arden is the last book in the Winternight trilogy.  This is a fantastic series!  Vasya must use all her power to save Russia from the wicked Demon.  Vasya is a great character and so was the Bear in this book with good action.  I LOVED it!  (Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

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Saturday, March 18, 2023

"Look Closer" by David Ellis

In Look Closer by David Ellis, Simon and Vicky’s secrets start to emerge when a woman is found dead on Halloween in a gated community. The thing is, they are both very good lying con artists! I thought this book was really good! Simon and Vicky were great and I never knew what was going to happen next. Loved the ending! (Gerard’s review, 5+ stars)

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Thursday, March 9, 2023

Loved "Defend the Dawn" by Brigid Kemmerer -- Full of Adventure


In Defend the Dawn by Brigid Kemmerer, Tessa and Corrick set out on a journey to get much needed medicine for their kingdom.  This story is told by Corrick and Tessa.  I like them both.  The author does a great job of character development!  The interaction among the characters if fantastic!  The action comes near the end and is really good.  I would have liked more action earlier on as well.  All in all, I give this one 5 stars.  (Gerard's review) 

Karen's review 3/9/23:
Defend the Dawn by Brigid Kemmerer is Book 2 in the Defy the Night series and I LOVED it!  It has adventure, lots of fighting, great banter among the characters, politics, and some romance.  This one focuses on both King Harriston and his chief justice, Corrick.  About half way through, each gets their own storyline and both are very good.  Tessa and Quint are both great supporting characters too.  This one is hard to put down and I hated that it ended with two cliffhangers.  It definitely makes me anxious to read the next book in this series, Destroy the Day.  (5 stars)

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Tuesday, March 7, 2023

"The Finalists" by David Bell

In The Finalists by David Bell, six college students show up to try to win a scholarship to Hyde.  They must stay in the building for eight hours.  If they leave, they cannot win.  When one of the six is found dead , is anyone safe?  People are also protesting outside and tension is real high.  This was pretty good though I would have liked more character development.  The storyline was just okay but the ending was good!  (Gerard's review, 4 stars)

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Saturday, March 4, 2023

"Notes on an Execution" by Danya Kukafka

Notes on an Execution
by Danya Kukafka was not an easy read but was interesting.  This book covers the last 12 hours before a serial killer is to be put to death.  The author takes us through some of the women in the killer's life.  The author does a good job of telling the story.  This unique storyline makes the book go fast.  I never read a book like this one before!  (Gerard's review, 5 stars)  

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