Sunday, June 16, 2019

"The Tale of Ole Green Eyes" by Cathy Kennedy

The Tale of Ole Green Eyes by Cathy Kennedy is a short children's book about two sisters to get a scare in the woods because of the story their grandmother told them.  It has a bit of suspense.  It's a happy little story for small children.  Of course, I liked that a cat was in it!
(Karen's review, 3 stars)

Teaser from Loc. 113 on Kindle:  Brittany jumped.  She spun around and gasped, "What?"

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!

Saturday, June 15, 2019

"Everyone Can Be a Ninja" by Akbar Gbajabiamila

Everyone Can Be A Ninja by Akbar Gbajabiamila, host of American Ninja Warrior, is his story about how he got to where he is today and the obstacles he had to overcome to reach his dream.  This is an inspirational read that was pretty interesting.  He shared advice from his dad, his mentors and how he overcame many bad circumstances in his life.  I especially liked how he shared learning from his failures and how he moved on.

I liked him as a host of the Ninja Warrior shows and like him even more after reading his book!  The gist of the book is that everyone has some gift from God and we need to use our gifts to help others and accomplish God's purpose for our life.
(Karen's review, 4 stars)

Teaser from page 32:  Don't be ashamed of who you are and what you want to accomplish.  To others, it might sound crazy, absurd, a waste of time.

See a blog post I wrote about American Ninja Warrior September 1917:  American Ninja Warrior Was Disappointing.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!

Friday, June 14, 2019

"touch blue" by Cynthia Lord

touch blue  by Cynthia Lord is a children's book about Aaron, a 13-yr.-old foster boy who gets placed in a home on an island off Maine with Tess (11) and her younger sister, Libby.  He is angry that he is not allowed to call or see his mother.  When Tess discovers he plans to run away to look for her, Tess comes up with a plan to get them together so they can talk.

I enjoyed this book because it showed how different life was on an island near Maine.  I also liked the silly superstitions Tess shared throughout the book and how Aaron's was able to make a contribution to the community and adjust to life on the island.
(Karen's review, 4 stars)

Teaser from page 41:  "Please?"  he asks.  It's been four years since I've heard from her.  If Natalie gets mad at her, my mom might not write to me again."

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

"Love You Hard--A memoir of Marriage, Brain Injury and Reinventing Love" by Abby Maslin

In Love You Hard--A Memoir of Marriage, Brain Injury, and Reinventing Love by Abby Maslin, Abby is a young woman who is married to a fireman she calls T.C.  They also have a son named Jack, age 2.  Life is good.  One night T.C. heads out to a ballgame but is not back in the morning.  Something is very wrong.  Abby's life as she knows it is over, and she will have to deal with a new reality.  Abby tells the story in this book and pulls no punches. 

I felt a lot of emotions as I read this and am sure you will too.  On Amazon, this book got a 94% 5 star rating and that is what I am giving it as well.  (Gerard's review, 5 stars)

Teaser from page 134:  Decades more of in sickness and in health:  the three of us, growing old together, learning how to navigate the real world again and trying not to crash and burn.
    I park the car at the end of the gravel driveway outside Ruth and Don's familiar yellow house and burst into tears. 

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!

Monday, June 10, 2019

"The Last Pirate of New York" by Rich Cohen is a True Story!

The Last Pirate of New York by Rich Cohen tells you the story of Albert Hicks aka The Last Pirate.  You will have to read the book to find out why this is so.  You go back to the 1880s in this book which I found interesting.  The writer did his homework in making me really get the feel who Hicks was.  This is a quick read, read it in two days.
(Gerard's review, 4 stars)

Teaser from page 62:  Because he believed he'd already gotten away with it.  He'd sunk the ship and left the bodies at the bottom of the harbor.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!
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