Facebook Me! by Dave Awl is a good reference book for learning to use Facebook to its full capacity. I've been on Facebook for a couple years now I think so most of the things in this book I already knew by just exploring on my own. Had I read this book first, it would have saved me some time. It does explain how to set up a fan page which is something I didn't know how to do. Another helpful thing was that it pointed out how I can blog app requests like silly gifts and games that I am not interested in. It's actually very simple, there's a "block this app" option in tiny letters under the app request that all I had to do was click on.
I recommend this to anyone considering opening a Facebook account or who just is kind of lost when they go into it and would like to have a better understanding of it.
Have you read this one? What did you think of it?
That's funny to me! A how-to book for FB? I think I'll get it for my MIL for Christmas. lol