Saturday, December 28, 2019

"Unbreakable Brain--Shield Your Brain From Cognitive Decline. . . For Life!" by Will Mitchell

One of my greatest fears is Alzheimers or Dementia so when I saw a video by Will Mitchell about how it can be avoided and even reversed, I requested his book for Christmas--Unbreakable Brain by Will Mitchell.  I was disappointed in it because most of the helpful things to do and avoid I saw in the video.  The first half of the book was very boring to me because it was all about how the brain works.  There were only two chapters I found to be somewhat helpful at all which are Chapters 5 and 7.  This is a short book of only 7 chapters, but in my opinion, it could have been less than 20 pages to cover the helpful information.  Even at that, most of the helpful information was stuff I heard before, such as exercise, do strength training, keep learning new things, avoid stress, socialize often and eat healthy.
(Karen's review, 2 stars)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? If you reviewed this too, feel free to share your link to your review in the comments. To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!

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