Monday, May 27, 2024

"The Choice" (Book 3 of The Dragon Heart Legacy) by Nora Roberts

The Choice (Book 3 of The Dragon Heart Legacy) by Nora Roberts is mostly about budding romances and a wedding with only a couple battles.  I felt like the third book had a lot of filler in it and that the author was just stretching things out to get a 3-book series.  In spite of that, I still liked it.  I really enjoyed the dragon parts most.  (Karen's review, 4 stars)

Gerard's review 3/26/24:
In The Choice (Book 3 of The Dragon Heart Legacy) by Nora Roberts, Breen is back in her homeland training for the battle that will soon come.  She is getting more powerful by the day, but will it be enough to defend her homeland for good?  This is the final book in the great Dragon Heart Legacy series.  LOVED the whole series!  (5++ stars)

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