Beyond the Chocolate War by Robert Cormier is the sequel to The Chocolate War and continues on with the Vigils and their shenanigans at the Trinity High School. Obie and Carter join forces to bring down Archie. Obie becomes distracted with a girl and Archie doesn’t like it. Jerry lived in Canada after recovering from the beating he took last fall, but returns and Goober feels guilty and very protective of him. This story becomes one of life and death as the year takes its toll on the boys. With one suicide and two attempted murders, this book shows a dark side of high school.
I didn’t care as much for this book as I did the first. It covered many different boys, which was a little hard to keep straight at first. If possible, it even got darker than the first one in my opinion. It too though is a quick read.
SPOILER ALERT – STOP IF YOU HAVEN’T READ THIS BOOK YET. I was shocked really to see how Obie got so caught up in revenge that he became as bad as Archie. Once again, Archie is in control and even after he graduates, keeps his control over the school. It’s pretty amazing how he manages it. (Karen's review, 4 stars)
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