Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen takes place in Nazi Germany. Sarah, a blond Jewish teen, sees her mom killed on their way out. Sarah gets away but is befriended by a British spy who sees her potential and allows her to become a spy too and work for him.
I liked this book because Sarah was so clever and very athletic! She found herself in danger and always managed to come out on top! (Karen's review, 5 stars)
Gerard's review 12/23/2020: In Orphan Monster Spy by Matt Killeen, Sarah's mom is shot at a checkpoint. Now Sarah is on the run. She is a Jew in Germany who is befriended by a man who needs Sarah to pull off a spy mission. She thinks she can do it, but can she?
I thought this book was really good. Sarah is a great character. I enjoyed her interaction with people her own age very much. It has a good story line with a good ending. (5 stars)
Teaser from page 11: Concentrate. It's like an accent, a gymnastic routine, a piano piece. Fix your mind on the task at hand.
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