Never Blame The Umpire by Gene Fehler is a teen book about a Kate, a 16yr.-old girl who learns her mother is dying of Cancer. She uses poetry to express her feelings and blames God for letting her mom get Cancer. The author was an English teacher and in this book, there is a lot about Kate’s English class. You can pick up some techniques about writing poems by reading this book.
Kate and her brother, Ken, are both on the same baseball team and I thought it would be more about baseball based on the cover. It really only mentions a couple highlights of a couple games. Kate’s mother helps Kate deal with her death by comparing God to an umpire.
This is a touching story. It may be a book that someone in this situation could learn from. It is written using first person from Kate’s perspective and I could certainly put myself in her place and understood how she felt.
Personally, I did not care for all the poems and was glad when I finished it. It was a touching story and I cried at the end.
(Karen's review)
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