The girl had been so strong and stoic throughout the entire day's ordeal. He knew she had to be exhausted, frightened, and beleaguered by all that had happened on a day that should have been filled with love, happiness, and celebration.From Kindle location 805-7 Aundy by Shanna Hatfield.
All hope vanished as she comprehended what lay at the edge of the wooden planks. In the very place she'd been kissed only moments before, were the remains of her life's great love.From page 8 of The Great Hunt by Wendy Higgins.
Tom and I raced around the house like demented wind-up toys, flooded with adrenaline, unable to stop or to complete a task. our wide-eyed pets crouched in the corners, alarmed.From page 6 of A Mother's Reckoning--Living in the Aftermath of Tragedy by Sue Klebold.
Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Books and a Beat. Anyone can play along, so I thought I would play for fun! Just pick two sentences from the book you are reading.
Happy Reading!