Sunday, June 16, 2024

"The Jailhouse Lawyer" and "Power of Attorney" by James Patterson and Nancy Allen are Both Very Good!

Wow, what a great read The Jailhouse Lawyer by James Patterson and Nancy Allen is!  This is about Martha Foster, single mom of 5-yr.-old who needs medicine for a heart condition.  She is an attorney who left her firm in search of a job with better benefits for her son which led her to the public defender position in Douglas County, Alabama.  This is where her nightmare begins!  She is welcomed with open arms and has a furnished rental home.  She soon hears that the former public defender committed suicide and soon can see why!  The judge is evil and corruption flourishes in his court.  Martha fights for her life and decides to try to get the judge removed from office.  I enjoyed this book very much and was pulling for Martha all the way!  I had a hard time putting this one down, but it is a good one for reading small bits at a time since the chapters are very short so go quickly.  If you enjoy lawyer thrillers, I highly recommend this one.  It reminded me of The Intern.  (Karen's review, 5 stars)

The second story in this book is Power of Attorney which was also good.  A Chicago attorney goes back to her home in Arkansas to help her mom care for her dad, also an attorney who has Dementia, and tie up his cases.  What she thought would be a simple probate case turned into a murder trial with her client being the defendant!  This kept my attention and didn't guess who the murderer was until the end.  This not only about murder, but also arson, abuse and human trafficking.  I enjoyed the trial very much.  (Karen's review, 5 stars)

To find books on a specific topic, scroll to the bottom and click on the topic you want. Happy Reading!

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