Saturday, October 16, 2010

We're It--Been Tagged by Coffee N Crackers

This is a fun simple tag meme and since we were tagged by one of our regular commenters, CJ'Alhafiz at Coffee N Crackers, we decided to participate and go head and answer these questions.  We're even going to follow the rules this time and tag four others!

The Rules
1) Accept the tag and link to the tagger at the beginning of your post.
2) Answer the questions honestly in your post by listing four things.
3) Pass on the love by picking four other people to tag and listing them at the bottom of your post. Notify them that you tagged them.

4 things that are in my handbag or backpack or briefcase
Karen Says:
2--Change Purse with my bus tickets and some change.
3--New Testament.
4--Cough drops in case someone starts coughing on the bus.
 Related post:  "Look What's In My Purse"

Gerard Says:
1--Book currently reading.

4 favorite things in my bedroom
Karen & Gerard say:
1--Abby, our dog (she sleeps in there every night with us)
3--Poster of Gerard and Abby
4--Poster of Gerard and Moe (our first cat)

4 Things on My Desk
Gerard says:
1--Book rack that Karen's dad made to sit on a desk or table.
2--Husky dog pen/pencil holder with pens.
4--Framed picture of us with Abby wearing her graduation cap when completing intermediate dog training at PetSmart.
Karen says:  Which one?  I have 3 desks--two at home and one at work.
Guess I'll do my computer desk at home where I blog:
2--Golf bag pen/pencil holder.
3--Notebook for jotting down things blogging related.
4--Clock and timer (I know that is two things, but they are both to keep me aware of the time and remind me to get off the computer!)

4 Things I've Always Wanted To Do (but haven't yet)
Karen says:  
1--Try to hit a baseball thrown by a major league pitcher. (Yes, this is Karen.)
2--Volunteer at an animal shelter.
3--Bowl a 300 game.  The closest I ever came to it was 234. 

Gerard says:
1--Go to a Ohio State football game.
2--Go to Fenway Park to see a Red Sox game.
3--Go see the New England Patriots play.

4 Things I Enjoy Very Much At The Moment
Karen says:
1--Relaxing at home petting my cats and dog.
3--Watching football with Gerard.

Gerard says:
1--Planting our new mum plant.
2--Watching football.
3--Walking Abby.
4--Petting Abby.

4 Songs I Can't Get Out Of My Head
Karen says:
1--"When We All Get To Heaven"
2--"It's Such A Pretty World"
3--"How Majestic Is Your Name"
4--That's really all I have.

Gerard Says:
Don't have any.

4 Things You Don't Know About Me
Karen says:
1--I had my first gray hair when I was in first grade.
2--I hate politics because it's so frustrating not knowing who to vote for.  Especially this coming election, it seems all the candidates to is criticize their opponents.
3--I am a morning person, always up by 5 a.m., even on the weekends.
4--I didn't like school very much.

Gerard Says:
1--I like to wear footies to bed on cold nights.
2--I like listening to sports talk on the radio.
3--I never went to college but still like to watch college basketball and football.
4--My favorite sport is hockey.


"Armed With God's Power--Changing Brokeness To Victory Through God's Love" by Nora White

Armed With God's Power--Changing Brokenness to Victory Through God's Love by Nora White is about how God helped Nora through very difficult situations in her life including, depression, divorce, domestic violence, and losing a husband to cancer. She tells an amazing story of how God spoke to her and brought her through some terrible times.

I couldn't put this one down because I was anxious to see what happened next.  It certainly gives hope to anyone in similar situations. She is an example of a woman with great faith. I would recommend this book to any woman.

Nora White attends our church and is actively involved in leading women's Bible studies, does counseling and is founder of Healing Hearts Ministries.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

Friday, October 15, 2010

"Freedom Writers Diary" by The Freedom Writers with Erin Gruwell

Freedom Writers Diary is inspirational to both teachers and students. It is written by high schoolers who were considered "losers" by the school administration of Wilson High, a racially integrated school in Long Beach, California. No one expected them to graduate. They are teens write about their problems and how being in Erin Gruwell's class made a huge difference in their lives. It is a compilation of their journal entries. 
At the beginning of their freshman year, none of them expected to graduate and were just basically trying to survive another day. The language is offensive and the topics they write about include gangs, killing, drinking, drugs, teenage pregnancy, abortion, depression, and rape but they wrote about their experiences. It was interesting to see their values change as the book progressed and how they really got to like each other and turned their lives around, thanks to their English teacher going way above and beyond the "call of duty." Whereas at the beginning they saw each other only in terms of race, at the end they saw each other as all human beings and friends.

When I graduated from high school, I was just glad to be out. It was just assumed everyone would graduate. It was enlightening for me to see how happy these kids were about graduating and what a huge accomplishment it was for them. What struck me as very unusual though was that they all kept the same English teacher for all four years. No wonder they were like a "family." Teachers certainly can learn from Erin's optimism, determination, perseverance and methods. I look forward to reading the book she wrote, Teach With Your Heart.
(Karen's Review 2/19/09)

Better Than The Movie (13 stars)
I saw this movie on Showtime and was so impressed by it that I had to get the book that this English class wrote.  I'm glad I did.  This book is even better than the movie!  The movie dealt with motivating the kids to learn using "The Diary of A Young Girl" by Anne Frank.  The book goes into depth on a wide range of subjects that the kids wrote.  It's interesting to hear from these students.  It makes for VERY compelling reading to say the least, and Ms. Gruwell, you are an awesome teacher!  I really enjoyed this book.  Some of the subjects get a little repetitive but still the kids express their own opinions.  Read this book, you will be glad you did!
(Gerard's review 2/12/09):

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

Thursday, October 14, 2010

"The Diary Of A Young Girl" by Anne Frank

The Diary Of A Young Girl by Anne Frank (the definitive edition) is unique because it is a real diary of the Jewish girl, Anne Frank, that she started at age 13 and stopped when she was 15 during the time she was in hiding with seven other people. This is a historical document from the Holocaust.

Reading this gave me a real sense of how the Jews lived in fear during that time and how unfair life was. Anne writes all about her feelings about the people she lives with and the day-to-day struggles and fears she lived with for two years. The ending was very sad. It was her father though, who took care of her most treasured possession--her diary and shared it with the world to carry out her wish.

I found this to be an amazing book and am glad I finally read it. Anne Frank had a strong desire to have good character and become a journalist. She shares her dreams and insights of human nature based on the group dynamics she observed during her two years of confinement.
(Karen's review 2/6/09)

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Huck by Janet Elder

Good Story, Compelling Reading--not so much. Huck by Janet Elder tells the true story of Janet Elder’s family: her husband, Rich and their son, Michael. Michael wanted a dog really bad. His parents resisted until Janet found out she had Cancer. All is well until on their vacation, back home Huck, their dog, got loose. I love pet books, especially with dogs but did not find Huck to be compelling reading. I liked that it has a happy ending and am glad for that!

Some other dog books I liked much better are:

Autobiography Of A Stray by Ann Martin
One Dog At A Time--Saving The Strays Of Afghanistan by Pen Farthing
I Thought You Were Dead by Pet Nelson
To The Rescue--Found Dogs With A Mission by Elise Lupkin
A Dog's Purpose by W. Bruce Cameron
Big Little Life by Dean Koontz

Have you read this one? What did you think of it?
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