Miracles--32 True Stories by Joanie Hileman is
a collection of short stories of 32 different people who experienced a
miracle in their life. Some are healing when the doctors gave no hope,
some are completely transformed lives, some deal with family issues and
some with children. Each story lists several scripture verses after it
which apply.
Here are the websites some of the stories mentioned about where they found help:
-Turn For Christ (www.uturn4christ.com) as a place that helped them get off drugs.
Teen Challenge USA (www.teenchallengeusa.com)
Hume Lake (www.Humelake.org)
Calvary Chapel Central Maine School of Ministry (www.ccbangor.org)
Jesus Is (www.jesusis.com)
Here are the websites some of the stories mentioned about where they found help:
-Turn For Christ (www.uturn4christ.com) as a place that helped them get off drugs.
Teen Challenge USA (www.teenchallengeusa.com)
Hume Lake (www.Humelake.org)
Calvary Chapel Central Maine School of Ministry (www.ccbangor.org)
Jesus Is (www.jesusis.com)
(Karen's review, 5 stars)
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