This is some book! I enjoyed it right from page 1 and thought the characters were very interesting. Here is a teaser I chose from it:
He hardly felt the cold through his coat. He was too busy trying to picture what Eli's face would look like when he received their message. [from p. 26]Gerard's review, 8/21/15, 5++ stars)
Here is the spoiler-free review we saw on YouTube that convinced Karen to read the book too:
Karen's review (8/28/15):
I started Vicious by V. E. Schwab expecting it to be great based on this video and my husband's recommendation; however, I only read a little over half and gave up on it. I didn't care for it at all. I didn't like either of the main characters and thought the whole premise was ridiculous. It is like a contemporary fantasy or science fiction, not sure which. In my opinion, it's like the old Twilight Zone TV show! The writing really annoyed me a lot too because it kept jumping all over the place. It's in the present, then 10 years ago, last night, 3 nights ago, back to the present, 10 years ago through the whole book. It only gets 1 star from me.
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