Big Lies in a Small Town by Diane Chamberlain is a fascinating story about a several artists--two during the depression (Anna and Jesse) and one in 2018 (Morgan Christopher). Jesse Jameson Williams is a well-known black artist who likes helping young, struggling artists. This is a story about mistakes and moving forward. There are a lot of questions, the primary one being why Jesse would choose to insist that Morgan Christopher be the one to restore an old messed up mural painted by Anna Dale to be hung in his art museum by August 5, 2018, opening day. Other questions include: Why did Jesse have the mural? What happened to Anna Dale? Will Morgan be able to finish the mural in time? Why did it have to be done by August 5? Questions are answered gradually in alternating chapters told by Anna and Morgan.
I was drawn into this story right from the start and really got to liking the characters. The book is sort of like reading a puzzle as the pieces begin to fall into place. Issues addressed are racial relations, alcoholism, rape, and family secrets, friendship and recovering from past mistakes. (Karen's review, 5 stars)