Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Books Read in 2019 That We Both Loved and Highly Recommend

It's that time of year to review what we read last year and give you our top recommendations.  All year I keep a Word document of the books we read with our reviews printed so at the end of the year, we can just go through the list and circle our favorites.  I also have a photo album of the pictures of our favorite reads for each year which helps a lot when doing this blog post!  We use the library.  I read 81 books in 2019 and Gerard beat me again with 91.  Below is the list of nine books that we both loved including the links to our reviews of them for your convenience.

The Chain by Adrian McKinty (Thriller/Mystery)

The Pale-Faced Lie by David Crow (Autobiography--child abuse)

The way we review books is totally subjective.  We strictly go by how much it draws us in and makes us want to get back to it.  As you can see, we read different genres.  The fact that we have only 9 books that we both loved out of 172 proves we have fairly different tastes when it comes to books.  We don't always read the same books though, so be sure to see our other posts we do coming soon that gives you each of our individual top 10 reads besides these.  

Happy Reading in the New Year!

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