Saturday, June 15, 2024

I Loved "The Teacher" by Freida McFadden

In The Teacher by Freida McFadden, Addie is 16 and bullied in high school.  Eve is one of her teachers who would like to befriend Addie; however, Eve finds out that sometimes it is better to leave things as they are.  This book is really good!  I LOVED IT!  The storyline is excellent and the chapters are short so it goes quickly.  I was always happy to get back into it.  What an ending!  (Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

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Thursday, June 13, 2024

"The Heiress" by Rachel Hawkins

I was in a reading slump, but no more.  The Heiress by Rachel Hawkins was amazing with lots of twists and turns.  It is told by Ruby, Jules and Cam.  Cam is due to inherit a lot of money, but doesn't want any of it!  Soon though, Cam and Jules will realize that money is only a part of what Cam will have to deal with.  This is a great book!  What a story!  (Gerard's review, 5++ stars)

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Friday, June 7, 2024

"One Perfect Lie" by Lisa Scottoline

In One Perfect Lie by Lisa Scottoline, Chris is applying for a job at a high school.  His profile and resume are in order.  It looks very good, but it is all a lie!  Why is that and what is he up to?  This has some good action and the storyline is good; however, for me it kind of fell apart at the end.  Still worth the read.  Lisa Scottoline is always good and this was no exception.  (Gerard's review, 4 stars)

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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

"My Side of the River" by Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez

My Side of the River by Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez is an interesting memoir about a young Mexican girl born to hard-working immigrants in the U.S.  Her mother saw to it she got a good education in the U.S. and told her she had to be the best.  She was at the top of her class through school even though she was homeless and separated from her parents when they couldn't get their Visa renewed.  I thought this book was quite interesting as her life was so different from mine.  It shows how hard it is for the immigrants.  She had quite a journey to say the least!  (Karen's review, 4 stars)

Gerard's review, 3/6/24:
My Side of the River
by Elizabeth Camarillo Gutierrez tells the true story of a young Mexican girl, Elizabeth.  Her parents tell her how important an education is; unfortunately, when her parents get deported, she will have to take care of her younger brother and find a place to live.  I thought this book was very good.  I found myself cheering for Elizabeth as she tried to do the best for her and her brother.  What a story!  (5 stars)

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Monday, June 3, 2024

"Days of Wonder" by Caroline Leavitt

In Days of Wonder by Caroline Leavitt, at age 15 Ella did a very bad thing.  She tried to kill someone!  She was pregnant at the time and they took her baby from her while she went to prison.  She got out when she was 22.  She wants to see her daughter, but how will she find her?  And if so, will her daughter want to see her? This is only one of many great story lines in this book!  This is family drama at its best.  I came to care about the characters and got lost in this book because the story line is that good!  This is one of the best books I have read this year.  LOVED IT!  Do not miss this one!  (Gerard's review, 5++ stars)   

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