Friday, July 8, 2011

"The Murderer's Daughters" by Randy Susan Meyers

The Murderer’s Daughters by Randy Susan Meyers is an interesting read about how a father ruined his daughters’ lives when he killed their mother. This story is about Merry and Lulu who were left without parents. Lulu felt responsible for her mother’s death and so always felt as though she had to take care of her younger sister. LuLu became a doctor and Merry became a probation officer. This book has some interesting family dynamics and deals with issues of grief, guilt, foster care and relationships.

I liked this book and found it interesting how both sisters reacted to their father when he was in prison. It was sad how their mother’s murder overtook their life for so long. I liked this book because it seemed realistic and had a pretty happy ending. I recommend it to anyone who likes books about families and interpersonal relationships. The author worked ten years with men who destroyed their families like the father did in this book.

Have you read this one? What did you think of it? You can help our charity of the month just by leaving a comment on any of our blogs! We will donate 50 cents per comment at the end of the month. The charity for this month is at the top of our blog.


  1. Thank you for writing about my book--I appreciate your thoughts and insights. Warmest regards, Randy

  2. I love all these photos. I cannot do a think without an animal in the way. I even have a cat sometimes nudging me when I apply my mascara!

  3. I've had this one on my wishlist since it first came out. I've heard great things about this book. Great post!

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Randy Susan Meyers: Thanks for stopping by!

    Shanda: Glad you like my photos! Cats are so helpful, aren't they? Our pets sometimes post about their adventures at our other blogs: and

    Mrs. Q: Book Addict: You should definitely read it! It's not exactly gripping but if you like stories about relationships and psychology, this is a good one. I couldn't make up my mind how I felt about the father exactly either.


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