Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Tuesday Teaser: "Turn of Mind" and "Red Hook Road"

Teaser Tuesdays is a weekly bookish meme, hosted by MizB of Should  Be Reading. Anyone can play along, so I thought  I  would play for fun! Just do the following
  • Grab your current read
  • Open to a random page
  • Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on  that page
  • BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away!   You don’t  want  to  ruin the  book for others!)
  • Share the title and author, too, so that other TT participants can  add the book to their TBR  Lists  if they  like your teaser. 
Turn of MindGerard's:
Killed? Amanda? I asked. But it was true. Somehow I knew that.
From p. 42 of Turn of Mind by Alice LaPlante

Red Hook Road (Wheeler Hardcover)A few hours that would be misery to get through, with or without Iris and the rest of the Copaken family. And after it was over she would have nothing more to do with them.
From p. 138 of Red Hook Road by Ayelet Waldman

You can help our charity of the month just by leaving a comment on any of our blogs! We will donate 50 cents per comment at the end of the month. The charity for this month is at the top of our blog.


  1. Both Teasers make me want to read the book.

  2. The teaser from Red Hook Road had me wondering for what reason she suffered if she's not going to have anything to do with them later ? LOL.

  3. Great teasers! Now I have more books for my to read list!!!!

  4. Yeah, I will looking for that book!

  5. Turn of mind sounds interesting. I wonder what his/her reaction will be to the news. Happy or sad or scared... Nice tease!

    Here's mine: http://diannehartsock.wordpress.com/my-blog/

  6. Both teasers had me thinking it was from the same book. Yes I had a ditsy moment then realized "hello - no 2 books .. ding dong.. 2 books!"

    There you go... I so know you both smiled :)

  7. Both teasers are great. Thanks for sharing.

    Thanks for visiting My Teaser.

  8. The first teaser grabbed me. It sounds like those first awful moments when you learn someone has died.
    My teaser is here: Quirky Girls Read

  9. Both great teasers. Like the others,finding a body in a book alway grabs me. I like a mystery or suspense element. Thanks for visiting my teaser.

  10. Two very different teasaers... I'm interested in Turn of Mind.

    Thanks for visiting.

  11. Good teasers. I have to get to the library and get some new reads. I'm rereading The Help for my book club, but need to get interested in another book, too. My knitting book doesn't have much plot, but the pictures are pretty. LOL


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