Pack of Two, The Intricate Bond Between People and Dogs by Caroline Knapp--MUST READ BOOK! 100 STARS!
Every week our local paper has a column written by a woman who calls herself the “Dog Lady.” In answering a question, she said the best book she ever read describing a relationship between a dog and a person was this book. Boy, was she right! I’ve read over 50 books this year so far and I rank this book as THE BEST! This is just a wonderful book! If you have ever had a dog, have a dog, or thinking about getting a dog, you have to read this book. It’s funny, sad and just so good!
It’s the kind of book I wish I owned instead of just a library book. I could read it again and again! I wish I could have walked my dog with Caroline. When Caroline passed on, her dog was right there with her. Rest in peace, Caroline, and thanks for this book. I loved it!!
(Gerard's review 12/18/09)
I read this book too just because Gerard liked it so much but I really didn't care for it. There was very little about the dog, mostly about the owner's feelings and relationships in her life. A lot of it was short snippets about how other dog owners view their dogs as well.
I did agree with her though about how having a dog builds bridges to people. When you walk your dog you meet other dog owners who are usually friendly and it seems that neighbors tend to talk to us more when we walk down the street with our dog. I bought this one for Gerard since he loved it so much.
Karen's Opinion 12/26/09):
Now you have to read it and decide for yourself.
Please tell us: What categories of literature do you like? What are you reading now? Who are your top five favorite authors? Have you read this one? What did you think of it?
Wow...two VERY divergent opinions here :) Maybe I'll read a Kindle excerpt before I buy and see if I like it or not.